Discoursing around

Editors note: This has come up before and we thought we had satisfactorily addressed it.

Just recently, though, a reader again suggested that your friendly, fair-minded Veritas editors were putting their readers on. Seems this individual believes that one of our frequent posters, the lefty who calls himself “Phil Silverman”, is really your editors’ attempt to caricature the leftist mentality under the guise of a fictitious poster.

Dick Cheney's hat left at our HQ after a recent visit. We often invoke the aura left behind with it.

Dick Cheney’s hat left at our HQ after a recent visit. We are often accused of invoking the aura left behind with it. It is so unfair.

Our skeptic believes that the posts left by the contributor, affectionately known by our editors and staff as *”Fifty thousand Watts Phil”…sometimes “Fifty”… are intended to portray the typically ill-informed, poorly educated liberal/left fringe as mindless and virtually illiterate. He seems to find your editors’ alleged creation to be overdone as though it is not believable that there are rational beings who are capable of endlessly regurgitating the slogans, references, and false scenarios coined by radical elements in the Obama administration and the media. Stuff like the imagined “Cheney-Halliburton” conspiracy, or the “Bush lied, people died”, etc

While we admit that our skeptical friend’s analysis of “Fifty”s” comments do tend to provoke those questions, we want to emphatically deny that he is our creation. “Fifty” is the real deal.

While his responses do make it hard to take him seriously, we believe his ongoing discharge of far left fringe, demonstrably false, drivel is indicative of one of two possibilities: 1) “Fifty” is surely more knowledgeable and sophisticated than to actually believe what he spouts but hopes that he can reach some uninformed saps and instill in them the sense of alienation and victimhood the left must rely on to perpetuate its perverse lust for power over others, or, 2) “Fifty” really does believe this nonsense and is simply disgorging what has been permanently etched into an otherwise vacant mind.

As an example, virtually everyone of his posts affirms that he’s all-in for Hillary…until he’s told he isn’t!

At any rate, whether you believe his views are a caricature of the left’s belief or you take them for what they are, that is, the only form of expression of the leftist ideology available when reality and the facts fail it, we believe it’s important that freedom-loving, patriotic Americans hear them and understand the underlying indoctrination which has shaped them.

One final observation. “Fifty” has occasionally taken umbrage when he feels he’s been personally attacked by other posters or even your editors. On those occasions, he implores Veritas to deal “with the issues”. Sadly, Fifty’s only means of “dealing with the issues” which might be raised regarding the latest illegal or unconstitutional action by the Obama administration is an incisive riposte invoking the”evils” of the ridiculous “minority voter suppression” meme, the “Koch brothers” or “Cheney-Halliburton”, or, oddly, “John Birch”. That last reference would seem to indicate that Fifty hasn’t just recently come to his myopic leftist view of the world.

He seems to be living back in a long ago time and can’t seem to leave it. Not even the dedicated leftists of today talk about the “Birch Society”. Few politically active folks under 55 even know how it was popularly characterized, “back in the ( that is, “Fifty’s) day”.

So, to those skeptical readers, Fifty is no fictional representation. He is what he is and we’re pleased to have him aboard and welcome his “unique” insights. As “Fifty” himself might say, “youse guyz and fellerz needz to lizzen to him>>”


* The nickname, “Fifty Thousand Watts Phil” reflects your editors’ respect for Phil’s claimed “12 year” broadcast experience as a “show producer and host” at a radio station with a “really tall tower”, one presumably airing with as much as 50,000 watts of broadcast power .

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2 Responses to Discoursing around

  1. phil silverman says:

    ha! first of all, you Bircherz/Birchers have never once refuted any of my “Koch”, “voter suppression”, points, they are all verifiable, and irrefutable. second, I only brought up my broadcast exp. when it was necessary to show I HAVE media experience and am not the low info. character you portray. To defray your mockery.Thirdly, I can sue this site (“site”) for libel, based upon the above post. Do you want to ACTUALLY DISCUSS these points or just go ad hominem? I find it very funny that you like to label people “Liberal”, etc., when you accuse THEM of being narrow in their observations. my e-mail address is beauzee& gmail if any of you fair minded, moderate COnservatives want to discuss these issues, out of public view. Again, do you want to diss my “Koch”, “voter suppression”, Obama reduced employ. and deficit with no help from the Birchers on the Hill statements civilly, or what?

  2. phil silverman says:

    you guys actually believe Cheney did not hoax us into War? Powell believes it! read Bugliosi’s book THE TRIAL OF GEORGE W. BUSH FOR MURDER. not “low information”.> re. “voter suppression”, hell, look it up, a fact, it was employed, esp. in swing states. John Birch, if you are staunchly Tea Party, you are part of the KOch-Murdoch-AFP construct, a front group. Aw, these humble little grass roots, backyard get togethers, POWERFUL enough to shut down a gov’t? Koch Daddy, a founding JB member. Made his initial fortune as a business partner w Joseph Stalin. look it up. HOW about YOUR conspiracy stuff? Barry Soetero? Kenyan birth?

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