Is the Republican Party the stupid party . . .

. . . or a fellow traveler that just thinks it can guide the ship of state a little more efficiently?

images-4The following is a communication from Michele Bachmann writing on behalf of  Michele PAC . The communication is dead on in its observations and critique of the foundering Republican leadership. Democrats are hell bent on implementing their electoral strategies and Republican leadership is helping them. We commend each sentence to you. There is no point made we would disagree with. The implications are profound and the conservative response should be clear.  Instead Republican leadership has muddled everything. The big question is if it is on purpose. Can the Republican Party be this stupid?

Ask yourself: Would the GOP congress have scheduled a vote to pay for amnesty for illegal aliens the week before last November’s election?

If they wouldn’t take that vote before the election, why would the GOP fully fund Obama’s amnesty for illegal aliens now?

Roger, the GOP controlled Senate was unwilling to pull out all the stops, including changing internal Senate rules, to stop funding Barack Obama’s “2016 Democratic voter registration drive” through his executive grant of amnesty to illegal aliens.

Barack Obama knows exactly what he is doing.

Obama’s entitlement giveaways, fully funded last week by the GOP-controlled Congress, include over 5 million work permits for illegal aliens who will flood the job market with abundant cheap labor, which deprives the most needy American workers of jobs.

That means fewer job opportunities and lower pay for American workers.

Obama’s amnesty plan gives illegal aliens Medicare, Medicaid, Driver’s Licenses, Social Security numbers — and thus disability payments. The long list of taxpayer subsidized benefits being handed out is extensive and outrageous.

Armed with a social security number, a work permit, and a driver’s license, how does anyone think illegal aliens won’t be registered to vote in the 2016 elections? And believe me, they won’t be voting Republican!

In light of the recent fallout from Ferguson, Missouri, poll workers won’t want to be accused by Obama’s Justice Department of racial profiling, and therefore will be highly unlikely to ask anyone registering to vote for proof of citizenship papers.

The scene is thus set for adding millions of illegal alien, ineligible voters to the ranks of those demanding more government subsidies.

Who is going to pay for Obama’s sinister amnesty plan? The patriotic American worker who pays taxes is the one who is hurt the most by Obama’s amnesty.

I am however, more determined than ever to fight for what’s right — and I hope you’ll stand with me.

The GOP leadership’s identity politics sell out for votes, which will never, ever materialize, is a disaster.

Remember, history reminds us that the new Republican Party replaced the wayward old Whigs on the national stage in just two short election cycles.

If we want a truly relevant, successful Republican Party in the future, faithful to our Constitution and the intent of our Founders, we must stick faithfully to our conservative principles and fight to protect the best interests of the American people — not swing like a weather vane blown by the fickle wind.

In response to our own leading question — one thing is clear – the Republican leadership is not acting like the vibrant conservative champions we need.

R Mall

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One Response to Is the Republican Party the stupid party . . .

  1. phil silverman says:

    entitlement give aways? like tax relief for the top 1% and big corps? oh, I get it, let’s tell all welfare and unemploy. recipients they don’t gotta look for no job to collect their checks? guess, what? they do. But you extremists know well that blocking transportation, infrastructure job development and over outsourcing TENDZ to increase said rolls.

    yes, Obama ONLY WANTS to follow REAGAN ’86 so as to get all those DEm. votes! which he DID NOT NEED twice!

    see you Birch-boys & gals Election nite! we can work up a new conspiracy about all the (LOL) fraudulent votes that got thru only for Obama.

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