$124 billion! What $124 billion?

“pretty soon” has arrived  and we’re talking real money

Readers may find a statement from a recent Wall Street Journal editorial to be as particularly, but grimly, amusing as we did..

Government Love . . .
. . . means never having to say you’re sorry you misplaced $125 billion.

The editorial related to the federal government’s unique ability to shell out $124. 7 billion in taxpayer money in “improper payments” in 2014…that’s money, in just one year, given to people not eligible to receive it, either because of fraud or bureaucratic incompetence. Given the increases in these “improper payments” throughout the Obama years it appears this administration is particularly skillful at both.

The statement? The editorial ended with this: “At some point, though, year after year, you’d think liberals who love government would realize that the public would have more confidence in their agenda if the government were better run.”

Since when did the public’s “confidence in their (liberal) agenda” matter a whit?

From the WSJ editorial:

“The Obama Administration often claims to be a careful steward of taxpayer dollars, and today’s punch-line is the collective $124.7 billion program called “improper payments.” That’s the Washington circumlocution for money that flows to someone who is not eligible, or to the right beneficiary in the wrong amount, or vanishes to fraud or federal accounting incompetence.

The Government Accountability Office reported the new 2014 figure last week, which is a $19 billion or 17.9% year-over-year increase. The overall error rate ticked up to 4.5% of outlays from 4% in 2013.

Compare to last year’s figures as reported in this American Enterprise Institute article.


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One Response to $124 billion! What $124 billion?

  1. phil silverman says:

    okay, where’s the money? but…care to review GOP administrations, pause, mishandling of our money, y’know, for perspective? Liberal agenda? Not to give us 2 unfunded wars and a 10 yr. tax relief for the rich program which added about 2 trillion to the debt.

    nice try, but no impeachment seegah. that’s *your* agenda.

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