A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” *

th-17Last week we noted that on the same anniversary of Obama’s signing of the “Affordable Care” legislation, the world also marked the 82nd anniversary of the German Reichstag’s passage of the “Enabling Act”.

This was a piece of legislation by which the Reichstag (the German equivalent at the time of the US Congress) established the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, made itself totally irrelevant to the governance of the country, and ended democracy in Germany.

The law was “officially” called, according to “The History Place“, the “Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich”.

Just before the vote, Hitler made a speech to the Reichstag, pledging to use restraint in exercising the powers the Act would give him:

“The government will make use of these powers only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures…The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one.”

He promised an end to unemployment and promised to seek peace with Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union.

Historical references note that, needing 31 votes from members of “non-Nazi” parties, Hitler made a false promise to restore some basic rights which had already been taken away by decree.

The historical account of the passage of the Enabling Act concludes: “From this day on, the Reichstag would be just a sounding board, a cheering section for Hitler’s pronouncements.”

Veritas’s recounting of that historic event risks outrage and criticism from the ardent supporters of Barack Obama, undoubtedly accusing its editors of comparing our president to Adolf Hitler.

Our intention is not to suggest that Mr. Obama is attempting to “govern” like the monstrous Nazi dictator, nor that he may have the impulses to do so.

It is our intent to mark some, we believe, chilling similarities to various actions of our federal government today and to suggest that the people of any nation must be aware and vigilant regarding their leaders.

History is replete with examples of the horrific consequences of the corruptive influences of power.

It should not require a cautionary note to remind Americans that an “enabling act” is not always necessary to lead a nation into authoritarian rule . An uninformed and complacent population and a timid political opposition, unwilling to vigorously articulate alternative values or endure electoral peril, is all that’s necessary.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

We make no allegations that this president is attempting to lead a brutal and oppressive regime. Our readers are urged only to consider historical perspective within a context of current actions and events.

Whatever comparisons they might make are entirely their own.

WSJ: “Iran Backs Iraqi Offensive As Pentagon Steers Clear”

USNEWS: “Obama Admin. to Congress on Iran: “Butt Out”

CBS News: “Obama: No Decision On Lethal Weapons For Ukraine”

Reuters: “Obama warns US Congress on  More Sanctions on Iran”

CBS News:  “GOP: Obama giving immigrants “amnesty bonuses”

TownHall  : “Obama Very Interested In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action”

The Hill: “Obama: ‘Not a Smidgen…”

Reuters: Republicans warn world that Obama U.N. plan could be undone

The White House is seeking to enshrine its pledge in a global climate agreement to be negotiated Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 in Paris. It calls for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by close to 28 percent from 2005 levels within a decade, using a host of existing laws and executive actions targeting power plants, vehicles, oil and gas production and buildings.


*  Dr. Benjamin Franklin’s response to the question asked of him immediately after the Constitutional Convention of 1787  “What have we got . . .”

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