Beware how liberal media players trumpet the news

FUNKYMUTEPerhaps this is a more objective analysis of the jobs report…somewhat contrary to the more  “nuanced” analysis provided by some  MSM sources as “a tad weaker than expected”.

Sort of like their expressions describing other forecasts which are off by 50% or more (see “climate change”).

Whatta deal! Two Saviors can be celebrated this weekend!

th-18The liberal press is going all out to assure us that our Commander-in-Chief of Shrewd Negotiations has done it again. Just as he outsmarted Bashar Assad and Vlad “the Impaler” Putin, he’s done it again to his pen pal, the Ayattollah. It is amazing how this man, the Messiah, so easily bends the most fearsome “folks” on earth to his will to protect American citizens and the world.

The Wall Street Journal “news” section is doing its part with a lengthy Kerry- inspired press release. But here is a little different take on Obama’s historic, er, “agreement” from “Powerline”:

“Now we are to acquiesce in, and facilitate the acquisition of, nuclear weapons by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mullahs have been at war with the United States since 1979, have a lot of American blood on their hands, and continue to call for “Death to America.” Who in his right mind, with the best interests of the United States at heart, thinks that relenting in our opposition to the mullahs’ acquisition of nuclear weapons is a good idea?”

From  Gen. Hayden: Obama’s Deal Would Give Iran a Nuke Within a Year

Hayden, who has led both the CIA and the National Security Agency told Newsmax about Obama’s proposal:

it turns Tehran into an “industrial-strength nuclear state” that could have its own weapon within a year.

Also as reported by Newsmax:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said later Thursday that he voiced his “strong opposition” to the deal in a telephone call with Obama.

“A deal based on this framework would threaten the survival of Israel,” he said. “Such a deal would not block Iran’s path to the bomb. It would pave it.”


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One Response to Beware how liberal media players trumpet the news

  1. phil silverman says:

    beware my *ss. you mean look out for MEET THE PRESS? gonna confiscate your toy guns? how come U do not incorporate talk radio and the ‘net as part of the “media”. people should be more cautious of the Newscorp. brainwash network and 24-7 Fox Hate cable TV. you kidding? 🙂

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