The Liberal Mindset

To paraphrase an historic Q&A:

  • Typical low information Democrat voter: “What have you given us, sir?
  • Veritaspac: “Fact and the Truth if you can accept it “

In the piece appearing this week, “Just Cause”, Veritas presents the comprehensive, often verified, thoroughly sourced case which totally shreds the vile and false Democratic Party left’s relentless narrative, “Bush lied, people died” and all of the accompanying  misrepresentations and deflections.

Screen shot 2015-04-07 at 7.45.49 PMFrom the initial false characterization of “pre-emptive” to the silly references to “coalition of the bribed”: to the crassly political twisting by virtually every member of the Democratic party leadership, there is overwhelming proof that each and every false facet of that tragic chapter in American history was fabricated and forced into the psyche of the American people by a mendacious Democratic party, an irresponsible news media, a willful academia rife with Marxist followers and antipathy toward America’s founding principles and values, and an electorate fallen prey to complacency, naiveté, and the cynical blandishments of a would-be authoritarian government.

What is most surprising about this entire sorry era is the unwillingness of the Bush administration and the leaders of the Republican party to aggressively bring to the American people the truth of, the validity of, and the necessity for their actions…a case for which so much undeniable evidence was and is so readily available.

Even beyond the awful destructiveness of this unprecedented assault on truth and America’s vital role in the world, is that its success has emboldened and advanced the Left’s further and increasingly dangerous deceptions. Given the relative ease and efficiency with which they were able to create and sustain the monstrous lies about the Iraq era, this nation has seen the emergence of a political party, the Democratic Party, which not only trades in lies but owes its entire existence to the effectiveness of grievous deception.

When a Ted Kennedy is accorded near sainthood, even by one of the world’s great religious institution, the Catholic church, one can know we are surely “staring into the abyss” as I believe America and the world are.

And when such a vital cog in the Party’s leadership, Harry Reid, can so readily and happily acknowledge on national television beaming pride in having helped extensively to defeat the opposition party’s presidential candidate by blatantly lying from the protected  venue of the US Senate floor,  and the MSM casually dismisses popular alarm by simply chalking it up to “it’s politics…politicians lie..”.

And when a president undeniably establishes himself as a serial liar and openly shows his contempt for the other two “co-equal” branches of our government…and for the Constitution itself…it is that occasion  when “the abyss stares back”!

For the dedicated leftist, whether out of sad ignorance or just hateful disposition, the default response to truth and facts is always “more bilge!”…and sometimes an added “hehehe>>>”


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One Response to The Liberal Mindset

  1. phil silverman says:

    what trash > BOTH the GOP moderates and the full Left KNOW that the 2003 “pre emptive” strike was a true hoax. See Bugliosi book. Lib mindset? fighting for retention of voting rights? for no more 500,000 ground troops sent 10,000 miles away for no good reason? for fighting for a return to 39.6? oh, sorry….redistribution of wealth. It was a DEm. adm. to get unemploy. & the deficit cut in half. the ONLY reason the debt is too high is because Obama has to pay off the BUsh II notes, with the INTEREST. yeah, “Blame BUsh”, we know.

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