Liberals and Republican establishment deniers

(welcome to our little Friday tweaks)

Stop the polling! 

  • People know the earth is warming
  • Hillary and Jeb are inevitable you dolts

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From the Blaze

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said Friday that she puts no faith in a major poll done in January that showed Americans generally don’t see global warming as a priority for the country.

Pew Research Center released the results in January, which said that of 23 issues, “global warming” was the second to last on the list when it comes to people’s priorities for the country. “Scientific research” polled higher, and “global trade” was dead last.     . . .

Her rejection of the poll data from one of the country’s major polling organizations is somewhat ironic, as she and other Democrats have accused Republicans of ignoring what they say is evidence that human activity is leading to a warmer planet.    . . .

“I believe there is broad public support for climate change, which does not always translate effectively into the political support,” she said. “But there is growing political support because the public wants a low-carbon future.”

The physical science isn’t there, and now the political “science” isn’t there either. But don’t worry, the science of “because we said so” covers both.

 The establishment world is spinning apart

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Liberals and Republican establishment attitude:  Hillary and Jeb are the only possibilities for the American people. They are inevitable you dolts and we will spend like crazy to prove it!

Actual polling results: Just about any Republican interested could beat Hillary

The presumption of Hillary and that Jeb Bush is the only one that can beat her are shaken and stirred by this latest Quinnipiac Poll.  Indeed in Iowa the results show that all mentioned Republicans, announced and said to be considering, are statistically tied with Hillary. By this poll no Republican (not Jeb Bush or Rand Paul for that matter) can claim themselves as the only candidate to beat Hillary. Realclearpolitcs  provides a table of polling results on an ongoing basis.

Dick Morris writing at had these comments:

Expect poll after poll to echo and continue these findings. Hillary’s ratings are on a downward trajectory and will remain so even after she announces officially. She won’t get much of a bump from announcing. And any she does get will soon be overshadowed by the spreading email scandal that is engulfing her.

It is not the scandal, itself that is most important in these days a year and a half before the election. It is the secondary effect it is bound to have on Democrats who worry about Hillary’s ability to win in November. Every primary is partially an audition to determine who should fill the role of party standard bearer. The more Hillary’s ratings against possible Republican opponents drops, the more Democrats are going to second guess her candidacy. 

R Mall

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