Skepticism about Pope Francis is no sin, and regardless, responsibility for it is as much his, for his lack of due diligence and his heretofore ignorant disregard for the overwhelming life saving benefits of market freedom and fossil fuels. His views have been so irresponsible, consistently biased and willful that it prompts this contention from our Senior Editor:

Climate Skeptics Descend on Vatican – Seek to Influence Pope on ‘Global Warming’

Pope Veritaspac speaks

Pope Veritaspac speaks

The Pope’s interest in promoting “global warming” hysteria is the same as Barack Obama’s…and it’s not “concern” for the future of the planet. It is the wealth redistribution agenda both leaders have not attempted to conceal. Many Catholics do not want to believe that this Pope, marinated in the “liberation theology” of his native Argentina, could possibly be a proponent of this Marxist vision.

It matters not to either Pope Francis or Barack Obama the facts of the “climate change” debate or the reality that those facts do not support their alarmist positions. All that matters are global government policies which advance their cause of redistribution.

President Obama has, indeed, found an ally in Pope Francis, on other political issues beyond global warming. The Pope has decried “capitalism”, supported “open borders” and encouraged illegal immigration actions of Obama, and even with some opposition to narrow aspects of the law given tacit approval of the US Bishops’ support of Obamacare and recently granted the Catholic Left’s “Nuns on a Bus” his stamp of approval.b    DLH

(excerpts from linked article)

Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano will join scientific delegation in Rome to Present Skeptics’ Case to the Vatican.

‘The Pope has been misled on climate science and his promotion of the UN agenda will only mean the poor will be the biggest victims of Climate Change policies — just as the global warming narrative has weakened.’ 

“The Pope’s claim that “It is man who has slapped nature in the face” needs to be weighed against the fact that fossil fuels have allowed mankind to stop nature from slapping man in the face. The more we develop with fossil fuels and increase our wealth and standard of living, the more we can inoculate ourselves from the ravages of nature.

Fossil fuel use is the moral choice to make. Sadly, the Pope is aligning himself with a UN agenda that will limit development for billions of the world’s desperately poor residents. ( Der Spiegel: Pontifical Academy Of Sciences Pushing For Climate Treaty…Finds Fossil Fuels Akin To ‘Modern Slavery’ !)

If Pope Francis goes ahead with his climate encyclical and uses it to essentially lobby nations to commit to a development-limiting UN climate treaty, it will be unprecedented action and massively misguided. And to now have the Pope jump on that bandwagon would sow confusion among Catholics.

Instead of entering into an invalid Marriage with climate fear promoters — a marriage that is destined for an annulment – Pope Francis should administer last rites to the promotion of man-made climate fears and their so-called solutions. This unholy alliance must be prevented.

The Pope has been misled on climate science and his promotion of the UN agenda will only mean the poor will be the biggest victims of Climate Change policies.
The Pope has picked a contentious scientific issue in which — now going on almost two decades of no global warming, sea ice recovering, sea level rise rates stable to even decelerating, on almost every metric from polar bears on down – the global warming narrative has weakened.

If Pope Francis embraces the Climate Change agenda, he will be aligning himself with the biggest enemies of the Church and of Catholic moral principles. They are the enemies of traditional Catholic moral principles. These activists are pro-population control and have bought into “population bomb” hype.

Some climate activists have even called for genetically altering humans to fight global warming. See: Meet Man Who Wants to Engineer a Master Climate Race?! NYU Prof. Matthew Liao: Humans genetically engineered to combat global warming – ‘Pharmacological enhancement‘

Development is needed for so much of the world, and carbon-based energy is one of the greatest liberators of mankind, lengthening life expectancy, lowering infant mortality and bringing running water and electricity to those who need it most.”

From comment section to above article

Älter und weiser:  The pope has no authority regarding climate science.
Once again, he is being impulsive and unthoughtful.
Instead of being a dilettante and engaging in mindless diversions, he should return to the his mission: Saving Souls . . .

tonymarini:  I hope that the Holy Father drops his obsession with global warming/climate change and he focuses on the rampant sin in the United States and the rest of the world…particularly the breach of the 10th Commandment…covetousness. The American political system would not exist without the encouragement of covetousness. . . . God gave us dominion over the Earth…but he did not give us free rein to encourage covetousness by craven politicians of the property of the industrious by exploiting the greed, envy . . .

Additional reading: from the London Daily Mail

Our climate models are WRONG: Global warming has slowed – and recent changes are down to ‘natural variability’, says study

  • Duke University study looked at 1,000 years of temperature records
  • It compared it to the most severe emissions scenarios by the IPCC
  • Found that natural variability can slow or speed the rate of warming
  • These ‘climate wiggles’ were not properly accounted for in IPCC report

DLH with R Mall

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  1. phil silverman says:

    we know U Birchaz think of Obama as not areal President or real man (that’s heavy) but to imply the Pope is also “mixed up” is very funny > the best Scientists in the world check in at the Vatican > the POPE KNOWS.

  2. Lisa says:

    I am sure God would be much happier with the Pope if he just concentrated on Religion. I know most Catholics would be . Enough said.

    Why, his buddy Al Gore has the Global Warming /Climate Change / Global Cooling / The Flavor of the Day / problem all under control . HA

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