Rafael Cruz in town to encourage support for Ted

Low turnout for morning Cruz appearance, but Scott County Republican Central Committee evening meeting averaged even less per candidate in a meeting billed as candidate event of sorts.

Rafael Cruz’s Cuba vignette inspirational

It was only a handful of people that showed up at Davenport’s Eastern Library for the Ted Cruz for President event featuring his father Rafael Cruz. It is too bad because he is a very articulate engaging fellow in his own right. Rafael Cruz is a noted Christian speaker and one can see where his debate champion son gets some of his skills.  In the two hours allotted for this visit, those in attendance, as Ted Cruz’ state Chairman Bryan English mentioned, received  “a glimpse of the house Ted grew up in.”

Rafael Cruz spoke forcefully , extemporaneously and seamlessly providing Ted’s positions on a variety of issues. He did not merely parrot those positions but provided knowledgeable insight in the process.  Rather than detail all issues raised, as Ted Cruz is an accomplished individual with keen advocacy skills, and a voting record to match his hard core constitutional conservative credentials, we will take a “human interest” approach with this post.

The first part of Rafael’s presentation included background information of his own Cuban experiences and coming to America. That direct experience no doubt helps inform the positions Ted has taken on Cuba, creeping socialism, foreign policy in general, and immigration. Here is a vignette Rafael offered that we think provides a profound insight into the manipulation and deception  necessary  to sustain socialism.

Before first coming here from Cuba, Ted’s father was part of the amalgamated resistance to Cuban dictator Batista’s regime, resistance which included the likes of Fidel Castro.  Rafael was captured imprisoned and even tortured by the Batista regime but upon release was allowed to leave  to attend school in the US on a student visa.  He returned to a Cuba  that was under the early part of Castro’s regime, to experience reports of  the indoctrination of school children.

He told of students being instructed to close their eyes and pray to God for candy. They dutifully did and when they opened their eyes of course there was no candy on their desks.  They were then told to close their eyes again and pray to Fidel for candy. Soldiers quietly went among the desks and put candy on them. That was their object lesson about the wonders of socialism under Fidel. He was disillusioned that the anti -Batista effort had resulted in a communist dictatorship. Fortunately at that early stage of the Castro regime he was able to exit Cuba again, and headed back to the U.S.

Rafael is ardently opposed to the Obama administration’s policy toward Cuba. He says it amounts to Obama providing a life-line to the Castro brothers’ continued dictatorship. He ridiculed the idea that the Obama Cuba policies will result in a better life for the people of Cuba.  He said that the communist party will still be in ironfisted control and that increased trade will only benefit them. American companies locating in Cuba will be required to pay salaries for their Cuban workers to the government which will then pay the workers. They will not experience any increased wages or improved conditions under the yoke of the communist system regardless of the American presence. Workers will receive only the levels that all Cubans get.

Rafael Cruz also insisted that in spite of Obama administrations assertions, Cuba continues to promote or sustain terrorism or brutal regimes (apart from the treatment of the Cuban people) in Angola, Columbia and Venezuela.

More vignettes were provided of Ted growing up inspired by Ronald Reagan, his commitment to honoring and defending the Constitution and American principles.  We were also cautioned that nominating another moderate favored by establishment Republicans will likely result in the election outcomes Republicans experienced with Ford, Dole, McCain and Romney (not mentioned but we will not hesitate to add G W Bush’s near loss against Al Gore).

Scott County Central Committee Meeting

Tuesday evening’s scheduled meeting featured a cavalcade of candidate representatives that was poorly attended by Central Committee members. I believe candidate or potential candidates with table space and making short presentations included (in no particular order) Carson, Trump, Jindal, Walker, Fiorina, Graham, Huckabee, Paul, Perry, Rubio and Cruz.  One or two others may have been present. My hard count of those in the room was 70 which included CC members, the candidate reps and other guests. Central Committee member attendance was probably 50 to  55 which would be (at best) about 45% of full complement (two from each precinct in Scott County).

The candidate presentations and a report by Republican National Committee Member from Iowa, Steve Scheffler, essentially comprised the meeting.  Even lingering afterwords to visit with the candidate reps still allowed members to be home by 8:30.   The Cruz event and the SCCC meeting were adequately advertised so that would not seem to be an issue. The distractions of late spring and summer are such that no summer meeting is now scheduled. Certainly there will be more opportunities for Iowans to see and hear from the candidates even if the Central Committee remains officially dormant.

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