Veritas Salad

Rick Perry’s stupendous campaign announcement

Campaign announcements for such a monumental job as President of the United States can be expected to be finely honed, inspirational, push the right buttons, and often contain thematic pomp and circumstance.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s announcement was probably as good as any ever and arguably eclipsed any so far this run up.  It had everything. It was classic “American.”  Well written and well delivered. The full text is available here and is so very well worth the read (get out the flag).  The video is available here.  Comments about the speech are available here.

Perry is flanked by American Sniper widow Taya Kyle and retired U.S. Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivo" and his twin brother Morgan also a Navy SEAL. They and  retired U.S. Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor Recipient Mike Thornton along with author Brad Thor will be part of a charity motorcycle ride with Perry in Iowa today.  Perry used as a backdrop an aircraft  is similar to those he flew while serving as a captain in the U.S. Air Force. If one were to be his campaign conveyance it would be very effective.

Perry is flanked by American Sniper widow Taya Kyle and retired U.S. Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor” and his twin brother Morgan, also a Navy SEAL. They and retired U.S. Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor Recipient Mike Thornton along with author Brad Thor will be part of a charity motorcycle ride with Perry in Iowa today. Perry used as a backdrop an aircraft similar to those he flew while serving as a captain in the U.S. Air Force. If one were to be his campaign conveyance it would be very effective.

The NYT Rubio traffic-gate story – Grey Lady keen on crap not fit to print

But we are glad they did – exposing what an utter shill the NYT is for Democrats.

Yesterday we made quick light of the New York Times running a story about Marco Rubio’s traffic citations and lumping them together with his wife’s over a span of 18 years.  We tweaked the QC Times for “disappointing” us in missing the story and for (along with the NYT ) not having much to say about real scandals involving Hillary Clinton.  That they actually had the discretion to skip the story did surprise us.  Now today we see this from The Federalist.  Mollie Hemingway writing there presents devastating ridicule of the NYT Rubio “traffic gate” story, how utterly pathetic it was for “America’s newspaper of record”.

In order to make this hit on Rubio work, reporters Alan Rappeport and Steve Eder (“Kitty Bennett contributed research”!) had to combine Marco Rubio’s driving record with someone who is not Marco Rubio. Namely, his wife.

This would be like claiming that Hillary Clinton and her husband had sexually assaulted numerous women.

Among the gems (from Twitter comments Hemingway monitored) regarding the lumping together of “his and her” traffic tickets over 18 years

 Taken together, Marco Rubio and Napoleon conquered most of Europe. @AceofSpadesHQ

Global Warming – still working on making you care

OK you smarty pants voters; how much is your eternal soul worth? From The American Thinker:

This latest poll confirms the insights available from a long series of polls conducted in both the United States and Canada over the last couple years. Namely, the majority of the public is not concerned whatsoever about climate change, and most of the remaining fraction that claim they are concerned is unwilling to spend any significant money to address the problem they are supposedly concerned about.

Yeah. Well, wait’ll they learn that Pope Francis fears for their immortal souls if they don’t cough up some cash for the poor of the world who will suffer most from all that “climate change”!

DLH and R Mall

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One Response to Veritas Salad

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Rick Perry’s stupendous campaign announcement was hot. So hot that he made everybody squish into a Texas hanger at 2pm in 95 degree heat. I didn’t watch it, but…..yeaaaaah. Couldn’t get into air conditioned Jerry Jones Stadium in Dallas!?

    *Update* Watched it. About as bad as you would expect. Great message as usual, but the setting just crushed him. Felt terrible for the people up there.

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