Pope Francis: Faith, Hope, and Government Redistribution

Whatever it is, it  ain’t “charity”

Some very current events underscore, in my opinion, just how dangerous the course Pope Francis has undertaken in an arena in which his predecessors in modern times have trod more lightly. I further believe there is evidence to suggest he has taken this path out of  something more than mere naïveté.  Francis’s actions since coming to power have not been “illegal”, nor are they “immoral”, in an intentional way, but they certainly are potentially “harmful”, intentional or not.

th-3The Pope nominally “leads” 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide. With the help of his position’s spiritual majesty, the often clever work of his public relations people, a supportive worldwide press which would normally be antithetical to the traditional Catholic message, and Francis’s own outwardly kindly and humble demeanor, the Pope is wildly cheered wherever he goes. He seems to preach the age-old message of love, care for the poor, peace and humility. He seems to enjoy talking to the press, always quick with a quip and a sort of “down home” manner. Hopefully, one may be excused from suggesting that behind Pope Francis’s stirring and passionate appeals and his likeable persona, there is a darker side.  Among his recent actions, for example and for reasons best known to him, Francis recently chose to diplomatically  “recognize” Palestinian statehood.

Is he oblivious to the shattering implications of this gesture? Why would this “Man of Peace” choose to involve the far-reaching moral authority of the Church in a matter fraught with the most serious political implications?

We have previously noted how Pope Francis seems to be acting on an agenda  very closely related to that of President Obama.

Certainly then, one obvious possible motivation for Pope Francis’s action regarding the Palestinian matter is to step up pressure on Israel to capitulate to the demands of  Barack Obama. Of course, that is something only His Holiness can answer, but he cannot be oblivious to the volatile situation in the Middle East and some of the potential consequences of taking sides at such a critical time.

This recent news report would seem to support this theory:

Obama raises possibility of allowing U.N. vote on Palestinian statehood

Adding his voice, in the name of the Roman Catholic Church on the Palestinian matter which has the effect of siding with Obama as the latter prepares to complete negotiations on perhaps the most controversial and potentially dangerous issue currently facing the world, some can fairly claim is unconscionable.

Earlier, the Pontiff, with the “moral authority” he claims as leader of the Roman Catholic Church , joined with Obama to welcome Cuba’s oppressive communist dictatorship to the family of civilized nations. Is that what Popes do? Can we next expect, say, a photo-op at the Vatican with Vladimir Putin?

And as we’ve previously noted, the Pope is said to be putting the finishing touches on his “climate change” encyclical, another effort which will put the spiritual and moral “clout” of the church behind another Obama initiative. Again, why is the Pope choosing to inject his views, with his supposed moral authority, into another intensely controversial issue?

Only the most dedicated  and radical climate change alarmists would deny that the assumptions  on which climate change “remediation” actions are based, are highly debatable. There is serious evidence disputing the claims that “climate change” is a man-made causality.

Further, it is well-known that this Pope has no affection for capitalism and shares with Barack Obama a strong desire for a global redistribution of wealth. The proposals regarding “climate change” being pushed by  President Obama and the politically and morally corrupt United Nations would result in a massive transfer of wealth from the freest and richest nations to the poorest, least free, most oppressively governed nations in the world.

Of course, the Pope has given the world his two cents worth on income inequality and gender pay inequity, not surprisingly echoing Obama’s positions on those issues.

And this is where the world stands. Two of the arguably most influential world leaders advocating for policies which are undeniably Marxist/socialist, ignoring or maybe even abetting the efforts of the most oppressive, brutal political and social  movements in the modern world, Islamism, Chinese and Cuban communism, Putinism.

We have two world leaders, one using the wealth and hard won freedoms of a great nation, the other using the moral and spiritual authority of his office as head of a great religion to promote and advance   the upheaval of world order to produce a global socialist governance.

I believe it appropriate to ask if the Catholic Church, Christianity, and mankind are well served by a Pope, so oblivious to, or biased against, market based economic freedoms and how they raise the well-being of the poor beyond any other economic system. His statements have profoundly misconstrued causes of the wealth of nations. Most of his lifetime has been spent in a culture distorted by political corruption and oppression which is not capitalism, the economic system he unmistakably but falsely implicates. This publication would prefer a spiritual leader not so invested in such temporal matters, about which he seems so ill-informed.


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