Hillary’s “Four F**K Ups — On feeling being reality — and TPA leading to “sh*t sandwiches

Pardon our descriptives this Sunday but at least we were slightly discreet

th-19Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the Four Freedoms. Hillary Rodham Clinton has the Four Fights.

I modestly suggest an alternative theme for Ms. Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Rather than the “Four Fights”, I propose a more accurate characterization to rally the troops:  The “Four F–k Ups”

Admittedly it is not easy to identify only four such “accomplishments”…there were many more during her recent tenure of Obama’s Secretary of State. To limit the number we might call it, “Hillary’s Greatest (S)Hits “.  Let us recount:

1) Her “reset” button presented to Russia’s Foreign Minister. Thinking the translation of the Russian as she presented it was “Reset”, the Secretary was surprised when she was told it more accurately translated, “Overcharge”. America was embarrassed; of course, Hillary was not.

2) When Sec. Clinton referred to Syria’s Bashir Assad as a “true reformer”. Here she exhibited her keen insight into human nature. After Syria exploded, America was embarrassed by their Sec. of State’s abject ignorance. Hillary was not!

3) Hillary and Barack’s handling of Benghazi. She lived up to her pledge. They got that filmmaker who caused it all. So, as learned later, the cause of Benghazi was a tragic, lethal, incompetent foreign policy and a State Department so badly managed it brought the term, “feckless” back into everyday conversation. America was embarrassed. Hillary was not, “What difference does it make…?

4) Hard to separate the enormous Clinton Cash scandal and Hillary’s illegal withholding of her State Department correspondence and destruction of same. Maybe we must settle for, Hillary’s “Four and a Half F–k-Ups”

Here is my start on a post about “What I feel I am today”. 

I’ve learned in the past few days that “gender” (“Caitlyn”) and race (Rachel Dolezal) are “social constructs”. As MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry . One of the 8th wonders of academia…(why the hell a college would hire her to teach makes her a “true wonder”) seemed to frame it, if you really, really feel that you are a certain race you were born to, then it is likely that you are.  Whatever.

Of course Ms Harris-Perry is of the “pick and choose persona” herself, she is after all half white as per her mother. She chooses to identify with downtrodden black folk but based on her bio one might conclude she has experienced NONE of it. Reading the sketch one might conclude she has had nothing but advantages. One might also wonder whether if she put down “white” on her various applications, which would be just as valid, she would have had the academic posts she has held. Good lord even Cornel West calls her a fake and a fraud. She is still a big enough twit to make it big on MSNBC, but that is a different matter.*    Moving on . . .

So, today, I really, really believe that I’m a 6 foot one, black US president. Now hear this, media. Because that is what I am, I declare the Democratic party a “social construct”…and a rather bizarre one at that. Also, as your 6 foot one black US president today (maybe tomorrow I’ll really, really feel I am a 5 foot six sherpa mountain climbing guide), I declare “climate change” an obsolete social construct and I’ve ordered the climate to stop changing!

Then I read Clarice.  And as per usual, she carries on with erudition.  We concede the ground to her. Self-invention jumps the shark

TPA is a device to open up and push in a big sh*t sandwich on immigration and environmental regs.

Those are our words but we think them not far removed from these conclusions:

Expert’s Warning to America on Trade Deal

Mark Krikorian, executive director for the Center for Immigration Studies think tank, told TheBlaze. “This is a real problem. It’s not a hypothetical. Trade agreements have been a way of sneaking in requirements on immigration.”

“Little by little, the United States is losing control of who can come into the country and who we can throw out,” he continued. “This is a precursor to what happened with the European Union.” . . .

The Wall Street Journal reported that if Ryan’s changes are made in negotiating the deals, lawmakers say that the president could still put climate and immigration rules into future trade agreements and push through on fast track. . . .

Krikorian further complained that fast track is a problem because Congress is surrendering its authority.

“With fast track, the fact that the pressure to approve a larger agreement with a lot of stuff that nobody likes is so immense that Congress has lost control,” he said.

DLH and R Mall

*  Ms Harris-Perry is not immune to crisis, but hers seem more so of the wealthy white variety than distinctly “Black.”

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