Our pessimism about the week ahead

We wonder if this week might be the most disastrous in US history…or perhaps, in world history. Hyperbole? If so forgive us. Our fear is that a confluence of events and “starts” could make that happen. Not a bang to mark it, but presaging the whimpers that begin with lost freedoms and dynamism.

• The trade bill could pass this week. The far left wing of the Democratic party will get whatever payoff it demands for its vote; the GOP caucus will assure the establishment retains its payoffs (from big business and its illusory “moderate” voter support).

• Pope Francis will release his “climate change” encyclical. The “most beloved leader” in the world will seek to influence most of his 1.2 billion “followers” to get behind the UN, Barack Obama, and America’s enemies to redistribute wealth and destroy capitalism, under pain of “mortal sin”(?)

• Obama will make whatever additional “concessions” to Iran necessary to conclude the deal, insuring nuclear weapons for the coming “caliphate” and a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

• Jeb Bush’s official foray begins this week. As with Hillary It is a commitment to a presidential run with a lot of money behind it. Jeb and Hillary will complete for hearts and minds to achieve essentially the same goals, differentiated only by the pace at which they’re achieved.There will be no actual retrenchment of government if they achieve the watch. Jeb’s efforts will be focused on denigrating conservatives. (with the possible stand in of John Kasich)

• The Supreme Court will uphold Obamacare as “too big to fail” and ensure socialized medicine for America within 3 years.

• The trade bill if it passes will give Obama virtually all of the additional power to achieve his agenda: the “climate change” redistribution, “open borders”, elimination of the remnants of “separation of powers”, and ultimately the destruction of this nation as it was founded, to be replaced by what? A dictatorship? Not immediately but what do you call a system of government with so much power vested in the presidency, ceded by the Congress? A euro-socialist type country with little influence on the world stage and even in the region due to open borders? At the least. A Balkanized society – until replaced by a brutal statist regime? Also a maybe.

Unless conservatism were to somehow prevail on all these fronts, whatever emerges from the events of this week, we do not know which is more foreboding, will not be good for America and the world.

Have a nice week.

DLH and R Mall

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