Leftist Sanctuary Cities protect criminals

As Rush suggested today, if sanctuary cities are not to be messed with then we want to see some conservative sanctuary cities!

Ike Clanton — ancestor of Democrats in so many ways — talks to Wyatt Earp

Via Breitbart:  Obama, Brown, Harris allowed S.F. murderer to stalk the streets

“San Francisco has been a “sanctuary city”—one offering lax immigration law enforcement—since 1989, …in recent years, local officials have been even more aggressive in defying federal immigration law, pushed from below by radical groups and from above by the Obama administration.”

“Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi announces that effective immediately; the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department will no longer honor U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers unless they are supported by judicial determination of probably cause or with a warrant of arrest….”

We have noted previously that if there is anyone who disputes the lawlessness of the Obama administration, the absolute lack of even rudimentary “justice” on the part of the Obama “Department of Justice”, look no further than San Francisco. How on earth, even the most committed liberal can deny such blatant examples of the Obama government’s dictatorial practices is beyond belief.

Probably the most corrupt government official, perhaps ever, is former Attorney General Eric Holder (early indications are that his successor has feet large enough to fill his shoes).

Eric Holder sued the state of Arizona to prevent its enforcement of state law carefully crafted to follow federal immigration law.

Among numerous other large cities, San Francisco is one who has passed city ordinances in direct opposition to, and in conflict with, federal immigration law…the so-called “Sanctuary City” status.

Eric Holder, himself said that only the federal government can enforce immigration law…Arizona could not, nor could it enforce federal immigration law.

Cities, however, who are politically aligned with Obama, Holder, and the current governing regime are, not only permitted , but encouraged, to DEFY federal immigration law.

Please, liberals. Explain where the “rule of law” has gone!               DLH

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  1. Gus says:

    Lefty blogs have claimed that Obama, in 6 years, has deported more illegal immigrants than G W Bush did in his 8 years. According to Dept of Homeland Security data, Obama deported more than 438,000 illegals in 2013 alone.

    Probably not hard to do if you keep deporting the same ones over and over. The San Francisco killer of Kathryn Steinle, Mr. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, who was deported 5 times, and 80,000 like him, each averaging 5 deportations also, could account for Obama’s “strict” border enforcement and still bring in more illegals to stay and vote Democratic than any president in history!

    It’s rumored that next year Obama plans to beat his own record. He’s gonna deport the same guy 500,000 times. Take that, George Bush!

    • Designated2 says:

      Obama’s policies also attract hundreds of thousands more than the Bush years. Bush might conceivably have turned back a higher percentage.

    • Leone says:

      Obama administration is counting those turned away at the border as deportations, not counted in that manner under previous administrations.

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