Trumps strength sends a very pointed message to Republican establishment

There are a number of good conservatives running for the Republican presidential nomination.  On some key issues Donald Trump’s conservatism has been of a recent vintage.  True , as should be said, we take converts. But we generally don’t award them the keys to the kingdom based on a few speeches particularly when focused on one topic. Nevertheless Trump has captured The Topic that is at the core of the angst that many Republicans , and potentially primary voting no-party registrants and blue-collar Democrats are feeling  — that we are losing the country.  While the related angst is multi-faceted, illegal immigration is at the core.

They already have the Democrats leadership number on all of this. The disdain felt towards politicians is most acute towards Republican leadership because of felt betrayal. Promises were made before the election but after the election excuse after excuse has been made.  People see the costs of welfare spending resulting from the sieve that is our border and nothing is being done about it.  They know Republicans could stop it.

What arises is a recurring question for conservatives, what to do politically.  Is the Republican party the only hope? We pose the following question because the press continuously asks about a third-party candidacy by Trump.  A prospect he does not choose to eliminate. We only pose the question but do believe potential scenarios exist that make it something for thoughtful minds to consider even if to challenge the thought. As posed by our illustrious senior editor:

Would a third-party, perhaps led by Trump, be a viable possibility and is it the only option for the majority of Americans (yes, I said “majority”) who still believe in this country and what it has stood for since its inception.

Mark Levin has opined that America has already been the victim of a “silent coup”. The Obama administration has undeniably in my opinion, truly “crossed a red line”. Unfortunately it is not a red line drawn in defense of this nation’s constitutionally guaranteed principles, but rather in their nullification.

Meanwhile, the contempt shown by the GOP establishment toward voters who turned out, believing that their party would not flat-out lie to them, to give Mitch and the “Boner” control of both Houses of Congress is breathtaking.

If voters are not righteously furious, then Levin’s “silent coup” has succeeded. If they are, a 3rd party, led by Trump, Cruz, Fiorina, Carson (none perfect of course) is viable…at least it is with me.

Trump, however, “must be respectful to the RINO’s, rent-seekers, and phony “conservatives”. I’m sure that Jeb would demand it.  DLH

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2 Responses to Trumps strength sends a very pointed message to Republican establishment

  1. Bonnie says:

    Ignore Trump = not a biggy. Ignore Trump’s message/appeal to conservatives = the loss of the (former) Republican voter !!!

    Get rid of Reince, Rove etc. and LISTEN to the real voters. We who the Republican Party assumes will ‘hold our nose’ and vote for ‘their’ pick of candidates.

    This (former) Republican will no longer do that ! A party that could not get Mitt Romney elected has lost any claim to represent me and my vote. Republicans who go to DC and capitulate to the mindless and extortionist threats of John Boehner do not represent me.

    We need statesmen….not status quo minions.

    • Designated2 says:

      Excellent comment. If the party establishment is so worried about Trump — when his views are not incompatible with Republican platforms, and they are not, then the leadership is the problem and the candidates who are not definitively consistent with Trumps strong stand on immigration.

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