This should scare hell out of every American

Read this WND article by Jerome Corsi, and consider the implications

Screen shot 2015-07-14 at 2.11.07 PMDem judge orders psych counseling for D’Souza 

This would seem so incredible if it were not so predictable. We’ve talked about Obama’s, not “creeping”, but galloping advance toward totalitarian rule. The pace at which this nation has moved toward that goal is dizzying…and, in my opinion, accelerating. I’ve always believed that before his second term is up, Obama’s America will be as close to the Soviet Union as anyone in this country could have possibly imagined even 2 years ago.

Like any entity attempting to completely “transform” an institution of any kind, it first looks at other institutions currently reflecting characteristics close to those desired in the transformation. It is an effort to identify “best practices” for adoption in the eventually transformed entity or, in some cases, to borrow a practice which will effectively aid in the transformation.

President Obama has obviously found such a “best practice”, common to totalitarian regimes and is implementing it right before our very eyes and I believe will ramp it up each passing day.

th-39It began, more or less, with the arrest of the “film maker” to cover the Benghazi disaster. Then it was the well-timed Petraeus “revelation”. Then the Senator Mendez indictment to discourage Senate opposition to the now unfolding Iran deal disaster. The prosecution of Dinesh D’Souza for a minor election felony should have alerted all Americans to the best known “practice’ of the Soviet Union and repressive regimes everywhere…the intimidation and prosecution of political opponents.

th-38Today, the disclosure that a Democrat judge has determined that Mr. D’Souza “must be psychologically” impaired and requires added and onerous “counseling” is perhaps the most common and most effective means employed by Communist regimes…declaring dissidents and political opponents as mentally impaired, followed by their institutionalization (imprisonment).

This should scare hell out of every American!  Soviet Union style abuse has arrived in America through a judge auditioning for Procurator of the Samizdat.! Any New York readers of, both of you, should prepare for the men in white coats (with the red lapels and “Change Now” buttons).  We are busy purging our server of anything critical of our Dear Leader.

Our Sluggish Schizophrenia

th-42Sound outlandish?  Consider what the Soviet Union was doing right up until its collapse.  This is not from WND or Corsi or some extravagant implication conveyed by us. Read this Daniel Goleman news report from the May 14th, 1987 New York Times.  Consider in context with the D’Souza matter.  Psychiatric Abuse in Soviet Assailed

Also consider these excerpts from an extensively linked and footnoted  Wikipedia entry.

Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union

In the Soviet Union, a systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place[1] and was based on the interpretation of political dissent as a psychiatric problem.[2 . . . During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used as a tool to eliminate political opponents (“dissidents”) who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted official dogma.[4] The term “philosophical intoxication” was widely used to diagnose mental disorders in cases where people disagreed with leaders and made them the target of criticism that used the writings by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin.

Article 58-10 of the Stalin Criminal Code—which as Article 70 had been shifted into the RSFSR Criminal Code of 1962—and Article 190-1 of the RSFSR Criminal Code along with the system of diagnosing mental illness, developed by academician Andrei Snezhnevsky, created the very preconditions under which non-standard beliefs could easily be transformed into a criminal case, and it, in its turn, into a psychiatric diagnosis.[6] Anti-Soviet political behavior, in particular, being outspoken in opposition to the authorities, demonstrating for reform, writing books were defined in some persons as being simultaneously a criminal act (e.g., violation of Articles 70 or 190-1), a symptom (e.g., “delusion of reformism”), and a diagnosis (e.g., “sluggish schizophrenia”).[7] Within the boundaries of the diagnostic category, the symptoms of pessimism, poor social adaptation and conflict with authorities were themselves sufficient for a formal diagnosis of “sluggish schizophrenia.”[8]

The process of psychiatric incarceration was instigated by attempts to emigrate; distribution or possession of prohibited documents or books; participation in civil rights actions and demonstrations, and involvement in forbidden religious activity.[9] The religious faith of prisoners, including well-educated former atheists who adopted a religion, was determined to be a form of mental illness that needed to be cured.[10] Formerly highly classified government documents published after the dissolution of the Soviet Union demonstrate that the authorities used psychiatry as a tool to suppress dissent.[11] . . .

“The incarceration of free thinking healthy people in madhouses is spiritual murder, it is a variation of the gas chamber, even more cruel; the torture of the people being killed is more malicious and more prolonged. Like the gas chambers, these crimes will never be forgotten and those involved in them will be condemned for all time during their life and after their death.”[46] (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

Psychiatric diagnoses such as the diagnosis of “sluggish schizophrenia” in political dissidents in the USSR were used for political purposes.[47] It was the diagnosis of “sluggish schizophrenia” that was most prominently used in cases of dissidents.[48] Sluggish schizophrenia as one of new diagnostic categories was created to facilitate the stifling of dissidents and was a root of self-deception among psychiatrists to placate their consciences when the doctors acted as a tool of oppression in the name of a political system.[49] According to the Global Initiative on Psychiatry chief executive Robert van Voren, the political abuse of psychiatry in the USSR arose from the conception that people who opposed the Soviet regime were mentally sick since there was no other logical rationale why one would oppose the sociopolitical system considered the best in the world.

DLH and R Mall

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