Obama provides Iran “a path to a nuclear arsenal”

Isn’t it too bad that President Obama can never ever hope to sell any of his programs and actions on their merits? His very lame press conference promotion of the “Iran deal” (Powerline aptly describes it) was beyond embarrassing. I’d suggest that Obama should try out his “sales pitches” before someone other than Sasha and Malia.

This “deal” will become reality, with disastrous impact on the world, not on its merits (of which there are none for the free world), but in the same way Obamacare did…with bribery, brutish intimidation and threats, and a willful and incompetent GOP leadership. Obama will always get enough votes from cowardly, greedy, sniveling Democrats to enable anything he wants to do.

Netanyahu: ‘This Deal Gives Iran A Path To A Nuclear Arsenal’

“I think this deal gives Iran a path to a nuclear arsenal, and I think it gives them hundreds of billions of dollars right away with which to pursue their aggression and terror against us and against the United States and the world.”

Christians United for Israel  talking points Obama’s proposed Iran capitulation:

Let us be clear- this deal is dangerous for Israel, the United States and the entire world.

Armed with information about this historically bad deal our CUFI members headed to Capitol Hill demanding that their Members of Congress vote against the agreement because it failed to meet even the following most basic requirements:

  1. Sanctions Relief.  Any sanctions relief should be gradual and phased in only as Iran complies with its obligations under an agreement. Providing Iran with tens of billions of dollars upon signing a piece of paper, would give them a tremendous windfall in exchange for something that is worth next to nothing: their word.
  2. Anytime, Anywhere Inspections.  Iran lies and cheats.  Iran has a long record of hiding its nuclear program from inspectors.  Iran has built and hidden entire nuclear facilities.  Any deal that does not allow for anywhere, anytime inspections will simply be a license for Iran to continue cheating.
  3. Past Nuclear Activity.  Iran must reveal all of its previous nuclear and related weaponization work.  In the absence of this disclosure, there is no baseline and therefore no possible way for inspectors to ensure Iran is complying with its new obligations.
  4. Non-Nuclear Sanctions.  Any sanctions relief under this deal should be limited to those sanctions imposed in response to Iran’s nuclear program.  Iran has never agreed to end its support for international terror (in fact, in these negations, the Obama Administration never even asked them to do so).  There is therefore no reason to end sanctions imposed upon Iran because of its support for terror.
  5. Arms Embargo. The arms embargo was imposed because of Iran’s support for international terrorism – it has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program.  The arms embargo must remain in place until Iran stops supporting terror.
  6. Term.  The deal would enable Iran to become a nuclear power with the full blessing of the international community in as little as ten years.  If a nuclear Iran is an unacceptable threat today, then it will continue to be an unacceptable threat a decade from now.  An agreement must deny Iran the bomb, not merely postpone the day of reckoning.

Congress will have 60 days to review this deal. Over the next 60 days we will be calling upon you to share with your Members of Congress the dangers of this historically bad deal.


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One Response to Obama provides Iran “a path to a nuclear arsenal”

  1. DLH says:

    In the linked Yahoo News story, the deal is predictably portrayed as a real coup…Obama really put it over on those dumb Iranians. Unfortunately, for America, Israel, and the free world that is clearly not the case. As new details of the deal dribble out, it’s clear that it is far worse than initially thought, and could not be due to just historically, monumentally incompetent negotiation. Even Barack Obama and John Kerry could not be that naive and inept. For that matter, neither could Sasha or Malia. It is obvious that this deal is intentionally destructive to America’s national security and to Israel’s very existence.
    Two more details of the deal have only become known in the last day or two. They are so inexplicably detrimental to any positive outcome , they are believable only because of who agreed to them:
    1)”…NO AMERICANS would be permitted to inspect suspected nuclear sites.”!!!!!!!
    2)”The United States will assist Iran in combating nuclear sabotage and threats to its nuclear program.”!!!!!!! As columnist Wes Pruden noted, “This sounds like satire, something from an Evelyn Waugh novel, but it’s true.”)
    It appears that Obama and Kerry prefer that the American people (who have no input nor any impact whatever on the terms of this deal or on its implementation) believe they are simply extraordinarily incompetent negotiators…maybe the worst in history…than what they really are!

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