O’Malley spineless after all
While CNN seldom offers anything of actual news value, I think I’ve noted an exception to that truth.
Here is something worth reading if one is to better understand the current state of race relations in America. In a sane world this brouhaha would be universally seen as somebody’s clumsy, failed attempt to be funny:
“When they shouted, “Black lives matter!” a rallying cry of protests that broke out after several black Americans were killed at the hands of police in recent months, O’Malley responded: “Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.”
“The demonstrators, who were mostly black, responded by booing him and shouting him down.
” Later that day, O’Malley apologized for using the phrase in that context if it was perceived that he was minimizing the importance of blacks killed by police .
“I meant no disrespect”, O’Malley said…”
You get that???!!!!
This presidential candidate ” meant no disrespect…” for saying ‘All lives matter”! Who knows? He may have even seemed to be saying that police officers’ lives matter!
How long before all these black “liberals” and Al Sharpton-type race hustlers start deploring the disrespect of forcing a proud black man, ruler of this nation, to live in a place called THE WHITE HO– — USE!!!!!!!!!
And you thought the team nickname, “Redskins” was the ultimate racial insult!

Funny stuff http://www.buzzfeed.com/nicolasmedinamora/protester-who-chanted-for-dead-cops-says-they-didnt-mean-it#.sdOjzaGKB
BTW why would any candidate want to appear before such ilk? How much denunciation of this sort of protest a few months earlier has their been? Were they shouted down at the time or were they the ones O’Malley apologized to?
R Mall
“ilk”…..such an evocative word ! Should be used more….