Obama world

Colin Flaherty, still at it…but who’s listening?

Panic in Pittsburgh: Media Struggling to Ignore Black Mob Violence

Flaherty writes on the increasing black violence that is sweeping the nation and which I contend has grown exponentially since Obama took office. Only the most naive, or the most disinterested and uninformed among us think that Obama and his people are not aware. But there is not a word of acknowledgement of the issue by the President and most certainly no attempt whatever to address it.

It is painfully and frighteningly apparent that Obama is personally OK with it, in the likely belief that it somehow advances his agenda. Diabolical?

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Tom Brady Destroyed Cell Phone While Under Investigation

Obama reportedly considering the football great for key administration post;
Likes the “cut of Tom’s jib; would make a great Sec. of State!”

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Determination Made in Chattanooga Killings at Recruitment Centers

No terrorism; no Purple Hearts; OSHA cites recruitment facilities
for workplace violations; revokes “Safe Workplace” award

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BO’s too smart to fall for ISIS’ strategy

I’m just thankful we’ve got John Kerry and Barack Obama protecting us. (Glad we “found” this document; now Obama won’t allow us to get sucked into defending anybody against ISIS)

Islamic State secretly planning to provoke ‘end of the world’ by attacking India to try and entice USA into all-out war, document reveals

  • Urdu document passed to U.S. media by Pakistani with links to the Taliban
  • Preparations underway to attack India as a way of enticing U.S. into battle
  • Urges Taliban factions to join with ISIS in bid to form a worldwide caliphate
  • Worldwide caliphate will ‘behead every person that rebels against Allah’
  • U.S. intelligence officials say they believe the document is authentic


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One Response to Obama world

  1. Gus says:

    When asked what a “jib” is, Obama said his teleprompter failed, but he’ll get back to the reporter…or maybe have earnest Josh Earnest get back to her.

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