Pope’s tin ear

The true “deniers” are those who insist that Pope Francis is not a flaming socialist

Pope Francis must be a great inspiration to the secular left. This week he exhibited an apparently well-practiced “tin ear”. He chose for his first “general audience with pilgrims and tourists” after a summer break the topic of divorced Catholics, “warning pastors” against treating these couples as if they were excommunicated.

While this is a subject well worth the Pontiff’s attention and his thoughts on it seem well-placed, surely we are not the only Catholics who wonder why His Holiness did not see fit to comment on the Planned Parenthood revelations. It is no secret that I am not a fan of Pope Francis. He is a Marxist. He enthusiastically embraces “liberation theology”. He seems to enjoy “rubbing elbows” with avowed communists and socialists (the Castro bros, Evo Morales) and other despots. He despises capitalism, which he naively refers to as “unfettered”. He believes the developed nations are responsible for the plight of nations ruled by the very kinds of dictators he likes to interact with and oppressive government/economic systems which subject their people to the very wretched conditions he supposedly opposes. He has chosen as his “signature cause” the so-called “climate change”. Fundamental tenets of the Catholic church, like opposition to abortion and gay marriage, must take a back seat.

Anyone who has watched this Pope and listened to his various pronouncements, however, knows that Francis no more embraces the “climate change” threat than Barack Obama or the corrupt United Nations does.

His studied inattention to the “values” of the left, like the ghastly practices of Planned Parenthood, is no surprise. To forcefully defend the Church’s teachings on abortion would offend his BFF’s…Obama, the UN, the worldwide socialist movement.

All use “climate change” to advance their true agenda…redistribution of wealth, diminish America’s role in the world, destroy capitalism, advance socialism.

One left wing, anti-capitalism writer, big fan of His Holiness, and apparently quite eccentric Marketwatch columnist, Paul B. Farrell, has helpfully, and with obvious admiration, summarized Pope Francis’ true aims and thoughts, and how (he seems to hope) they will work to destroy the Republican party. We are only able to offer the headings but Farrel elaborates on each in what you might swear came from Huffington Post:

From: Pope Francis’s ‘attendance’ at GOP debate is going to help sink the party

Pope’s 10 new commandments are direct threat GOP’s conservative values

1. Capitalists … are new worshipers of the biblical golden calf

2. Invisible hand of God … replaced by greedy hands of capitalism

3. New Tyranny … capitalists are destroying democracy worldwide

4. Trickle-down economics … is a total capitalist disaster

5. Inequality … is the root cause of all ‘social ills’ in the world

6. Consumerism … is out-of-control, destroying family/social values

7. Competition … capitalist addiction to profits is killing morality

8. Conservatism … encourages free destruction of natural resources

9. Exploitation … treating humans mere economic commodities is sin

10. Capitalism has lost its moral compass, turned its back on God


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2 Responses to Pope’s tin ear

  1. Designated2 says:

    This Farrel character parrots every socialist trope, straw-man argument and mischaracterization out there about capitalism and market economics. The poverty alleviating performance of market based economies far surpasses command and control systems. Capitalism’s excesses are pale in comparison to the far more extensive human atrocities justified by socialist thought. But the thing is he does this by aligning them with Pope Francis’ various and statements “teachings.” The conclusion you reached, sometime ago I realize, is that this Pope is essentially a Marxist. One cannot conclude anything else.

  2. Gs says:

    Here are some of the direct quotes from Pope Francis which appeared in Mr. Farrell’s column. Hard to come to any other conclusion than that Pope Francis is indeed a radical leftist.

    Farrell: ” Based on the pope’s Vatican Climate Summit, he’ll reaffirm “human-induced climate change is a scientific reality,” which the GOP categorically denies. But most important, he’ll reinforce his 10 anticapitalist commandments from his core “Apostolic Exhortation.” Here’s the core message driving Pope Francis’s global revolution to save the world from “the dung of the devil,” out-of-control capitalism. …… it’s time for Congress to listen closely to the man in the white suit”.
    Pope Francis:
    “Money must serve, not rule, yet we calmly accept its control over us. Money originated in a profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money.”
    “Never trust in the so-called ‘invisible hand’ of the markets and economic remedies like cutting workers to increase their profits. The world needs a better distribution of income.”
    “Free market trickle-down economics causes injustice. A naïve trust in the culture of prosperity and those wielding economic power deadens society.”
    “Inequality is the root of social ills. Help the poor, reject markets and speculation, attack the structural causes of inequality, or you will never solve the world’s problems.”
    “Today’s economics promotes inordinate consumption, increases inequality, damages the social fabric, increases violence and serious conflicts. Blaming the poor and poorer countries for their troubles is misplaced, solve the corruption spreading at the top.”
    “The laws of capitalist competition, the survival of the fittest rule. The powerful feed upon the powerless, the vast majority are marginalized: No work, No opportunities. No escape. News is a two-point loss in stocks, but not the death of elderly homeless?”
    “In a world where everyone has their own subjective truth, citizens cannot develop common solutions that transcend personal ambitions. We need a new way of living and thinking that’s more humane and noble, that brings dignity to all humans on this earth.”
    “Behind capitalist economics lurks a rejection of ethics and God that debases humans. This lack of morality and ethics results in God calling for solutions outside marketplace economics, to make it possible for a more balanced and humane social order.” **********
    I think Francis’s remarks like these reveal an extraordinary ignorance about capitalism, economics, free markets, etc. I think as the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholic’s, Pope Francis’s thoughts on these matters are truly alarming!
    The Pope’s visit to America is not likely to be in praise of the nation which has protected a free world. Rather, Americans will be treated to a lecture on the nation’s evil underpinnings. Viva Il Papa!

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