“Mitch Petain”…way too charitable as a characterization

This pretty much confirms the reasons why a GOP congressional majority is a useless thing. On one hand, I am happy I do not live in Kentucky and thus have a weasel like Mitch McConnell as my Senator. On the other hand, I wish I lived in Kentucky so I could vote against Mitch and work actively against him. In any future election, if the outcome would be that Mitch would retain his Majority Leader position, I’d sit it out. (Mitch isn’t just a fool; he is a destructive, cowardly, dangerous, lying fool!)

Mitch McConnell: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded

Congress will have to authorize a new spending authorization for the federal government after it returns from the August recess. Conservatives have discussed defunding Planned Parenthood as a condition for keeping the federal government open.

McConnell is trying to head off that effort and reiterate his commitment to keep government funding open. “Yeah, we’ll fund the government. I can’t tell you what will finally end up in or out of any government funding resolution; I can tell you without fear of contradiction there will be no government shutdown.”

In other words, McConnell would rather a possibly criminal organization like Planned Parenthood continue to receive money from the federal Treasury than risk a bad news cycle.

McConnell explained that a vote last week seeking to defund Planned Parenthood allowed Senators to be “on record” against the organization.

If one was interested in not having Planned Parenthood be “reauthorized”, one would say so. If one was anything other than a cowardly fool one would suggest any decision by others to fall on their sword to save funding for Planned Parenthood rather than redistribute the tax money more efficiently to other agencies is their decision to obstruct government operations.

DLH with R Mall

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