Evidence of something

From Streiff at Red State: (great line)

Ominously, Clinton wore an orange jumpsuit to the interview

Yo Hillary, “no controlling legal authority” didn’t fly for Al Gore either

Who will object to sexist heals instead of flats now?

Hallelujah! To show real commitment to the cause, and to meet further objectives, Mr.?,Ms.?, Mr/Ms? Freedman-Gurspan could also be awarded a Ranger tab and get a draft bid from the NFL.  Via Joel Miller at restoring Liberty

First Openly Transgender Official Hired at White House

The White House announced Raffi Freedman-Gurspan’s appointment yesterday. Freedman-Gurspan is an outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel in the Office of Personnel.

Jeb wants to increase NSA powers

We have nothing to add. Readers will appreciate it or not

ATLANTA (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said Tuesday that the government should have broad surveillance powers of Americans and private technology firms should cooperate better with intelligence agencies to help combat “evildoers.”

“Arbeit macht frei”…and, “abortion makes you compassionate”

A day will come when those “good Americans” who refused to acknowledge the abundance of proof of the grisly, immoral activities of a “private sector organization (PP)”, enthusiastically supported by this government with funds extracted from taxpayers and voluntary donations of the willfully “uninformed”, will be unable to say, “I didn’t know…”

Planned Parenthood Clinic Cut Through Dead Baby’s Face to Get His Intact Brain

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3 Responses to Evidence of something

  1. Gus says:

    re: “abortion makes you compassionate”:

    I would offer “Abtreibung wird sie frei”, over the door of certain “private” agencies,
    “Abortion will set you free”!

  2. Gus says:

    Is anyone still proud enough of their contributions to the work Planned Parenthood does to further “women’s health” that they display their awards or certificates where people can actually see them?
    If I were, oh, say, a former state senator or something, I think I’d want to ‘deep six’ mine. But, that’s just me.

    • Designated2 says:

      Among them would be former Iowa State Senator Maggie Tinsman who contributes to their political agenda which includes keeping what they do a protected activity.

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