Welcome to “Obama in Wonderland” world

AP: UN to let Iran inspect its own alleged nuke work site 

NO! The previous picture/post regarding Iran nuclear inspections was not from the Onion or made up for a  “Saturday Night Live” skit. One does not have to be a particularly thoughtful reader to believe that this report is somebody’s idea of a joke…and not a funny one at that.

Not even a tiny backwater country led by a tin pot tyrant would send a spokesperson out to answer media questions with such a bullshit concoction as US State Dept. press secretary John Kirby presented this week.

It was an astounding spectacle which dramatically revealed the utter contempt President Obama and his regime have for this nation, for the American people, and even for the very journalists who have humiliated themselves, over and over, on his behalf.

John Kirby, State Dept. press secretary and sort of a cross between Gomer Pyle and Marie Harf, was “grilled” by reporters this week about the “secret agreement”, a draft of which was recently revealed to AP. By this agreement, the IAEA relies on Iran to take its own photos and video of “military sites believed to be linked to the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.”

This is the key part of what is billed as the “most robust inspection regime ever peacefully negotiated to ensure Iran’s current (nuclear) program remains exclusively peaceful…”.

Yes…no kidding! That is what this spokesperson for Obama’s State Department actually said in defending one of the key elements of the Iran nuclear “agreement”…Iran will gather its own evidence to ensure that it is not violating this sacred agreement! And he said it deadpan, with only a nervous tic and a few beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.

So, the most critical piece of this most “robust” inspection regime , to assure the world that Iran will not develop nuclear weapons they have repeatedly vowed to use to destroy their enemies, especially Israel, will be conducted by…IRAN!!???

Is there anyone among Veritaspac’s readers who would attempt to convince even a 6-year-old that this is sound and effective policy…and say it with a straight face???

For some, “unbelievable!” just doesn’t seem to say it anymore in Obama’s “Alice in wonderland” world.

More reading at PJ Media: State Dept.: We Totally Trust IAEA with Inspections Where Only Iran Can Inspect


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