Candidate and issue association game

Here is one of several “pick your candidate by issues” Websites that on the basis of your responses to questions they pose, purports to identify the candidate closest to your views.

This particular site has 58 questions available but in order to be rated you only have to answer the initial questions from each of several topical sections (about half the total questions possible). The site also offers the respondent the possibility of indicating an intensity to each response.  That feature is also not required to be used to be rated. The survey need only take a few moments.

Certainly there are vagaries to the questions, imprecision as to the candidates actual position and other interpretation issues at play.  It could be that the questions are weighted apart from the respondents’ own intensity rating (we did not investigate ) .  The accuracy is no doubt within a range and arguable at that.  Nevertheless we found it intriguing . Its interpretation of my first pick was accurate. I was mildly surprised at a few of the other ratings but not for most. It was accurate enough overall to induce me to look closer at some candidates and possibly adjust up or down my own ratings.

It might help to pass it on to those who readers know to be instinctively conservative, but who still self-identify with others, to find a home with a more compatible candidate.  The site offers statistics from individual states and as regards other criterion.  I note that Iowa has not responded to the degree I would expect.

Go to:  I Side With .com

R Mall

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