Misplaced Criticism of Trump

This latest column from Thomas Sowell, found at Freedom Back, is a hard hitting attack on Donald Trump, and by implication his supporters.  We commend it to you.

Why Have Elections?

I would rather be “ruled” by the occasional imperfect wisdom of Thomas Sowell as much as few others. There are many appropriate points in his article. However, while Trump’s personality is one of showmanship, his position in the polls is not merely the result of that. Professor Sowell laments that attention to Trump is “distracting attention from a large field of other candidates.”  He blames the shallowness of the electorate in part but fails to blame the other candidates as well, however experienced they are.  To use one of Trump’s favorite words, Trump is filling a “HUGE” void.   (continued below)

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Trump has a couple of compelling aspects to political success that Sowell does not acknowledge. First and foremost is his clear association with stopping illegal immigration which is a visceral concern with conservatives and blue collar voters across the political spectrum — black, white, and brown. That the other candidates, with a few exceptions, are suspect on this key issue is their fault. Trump has also captured admiration for being an advantageous deal maker. That is something not out of the blue and it is felt compelling by a large percentage of the population who reasonably feel they have been sold out by the political establishment of both parties. Bad trade deals and Iran are very much in people’s minds at this time.

Saying Trump’s rise is unfair because other candidates are misunderstood, or more intellectual, pretty much misses the point about politics (the need to reach the many) and comes off as excuse making when there is no time for excuse making. Trump’s  “fire them” persona fits in that regard.

Trump’s campaign slogan captures much as well — Make America Great Again. That is not an evil thing and bringing Hitler’s visage into this mix is unfair. Check out the list of current campaign slogans listed in this Washington Post article.  While some are better than others, none of them capture the deep concerns of so many of Trump’s supporters. Whose fault is that?

What is important is whether Trump would preside under the Constitution. We know Cruz will. That some of the others will sustain the Obamanation by inaction and continued failure theater is the fear of many.

R Mall

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