CNN’ “Mean Girls”

The Clown Car rolled out on stage at the Reagan Library Wednesday night and guess who emerged: Jake “the Tapper”, “Hugh Who” Hewitt, and Dana the Bash-er!

As I contemplate last night’s “debate”, the term ” nothingburger” comes to mind.

MV5BMjE1MDQ4MjI1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzcwODAzMw@@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_The “moderators” came on as an episode of “Mean Girls” with ridiculous questioning in the first hour: “did you hear what Donald said about you”?; “how do you respond to Rand when he calls you…?” “Mr. Trump said you were a…?”…”what do you think about that?”

The debate aftermath was a frenzy by “pundits” as to “who won?” and “who lost?”

Easy to answer: Losers: 1) CNN and, 2) The Viewers

Yes, there were some substantive remarks by the various “players”: Rubio, Fiorina, Christie, Carson… but then we have a GOP establishment that specializes in “substantive remarks”, at campaign time, followed by notably “un-substantive” performance.

All in all, it was a 15 minute show that CNN painfully stretched to…was it just 3 hours? Seemed much longer.

The audience tried mightily to applaud their favorite all the way to the nomination and Ted Cruz was not their pick. As usual his positions were thoughtfully expressed and just as thoughtfully dismissed. After all, the question of how Rand Paul would reply to Donald’s disparagement of his looks was an issue that had to be dealt with.


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One Response to CNN’ “Mean Girls”

  1. Leone says:

    This debate seemed designed as a group therapy session,
    Carly, how did you feel about what Donald said about your face?
    John, what about Rand’s comment on your (fill in the blank)?
    If you could be a vegetable, which one would you be?
    As seems to be the norm for these debate moderators, they avoid Cruz whenever possible.

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