Debate — nailed it clips; missed opportunities

Cruz and Fiorina — soaring moments

All candidates need to charge Obama with threatening to shut down government to protect Planned Parenthood’s baby parts income stream

As expressed earlier by our illustrious senior editor, the first part of the debate last night was structured as some sort of Mean Girls routine.  However later on there were some impressive displays of passionate discourse on substantive matters. The clips below are this writer’s favorites from the selections presented by Conservative Book Club.

First up — Ted Cruz vs John Kasich.  It isn’t pretty for Kasich, whose earlier claim of moral superiority as regards the Iran treaty is laid bare by Cruz.

Carly Fiorina and Cruz both let go with fusillades against continued Planned Parenthood funding, challenging Obama and Hillary to view the Center for Medical Progress videos:

Theirs were compelling statements, and other candidates chimed in, in their own way. However, in daring Obama to veto a government funding bill one should also make the effort to inoculate the public about the predictable Obama nostrums in response.  Knowing what Obama will accuse Republicans of doing with the veto message, all the candidates should be on the same page and inform the public that Obama has threatened to shut down government in order to protect funding for the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood, rather than redirect the funding to community health agencies.  It is the formulation that needs to be used by all, and each and every time.

R Mall

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