Pondering Carson

images-11Have we come to the place where a courageous, thoughtful, HONEST, accomplished person cannot be elected to lead this nation?

For 7 years, America has become diminished globally, domestically, morally, socially, culturally, militarily, and economically by the most willful man to ever occupy its highest office.

For voters in 2008, the sole appeal of Barack Obama to lead our nation was his race. In the typically clumsy words of Senator Joe Biden: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

For the media it was his “progressive” ideology; for much of academia and virtually all of Hollywood, it was his hostility to the traditions and values of America. ( “… Barack Obama, D-Ill., said he will no longer wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for “true patriotism” since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. ” ) (Oct. 2007)

To mainstream Americans, overwhelming evidence was readily available but widely ignored that Obama, whose real world work experience extended little further than his activity as a “community organizer”, harbored deep dislike for this country . Instead they went to the polls to elect a man because he was (half) black and they could once and for all show the world that we, as a nation, are “non-racist”.

The damage done to America by this arrogant, vindictive, petty, narcissistic, dishonest person is obvious to any who are willing to face the terrifying truth, and a striking irony is that this “post-racial” president has divided this nation along racial lines as no one in modern times has ever done!

Whether America can survive as it was founded and envied by the world for 2 centuries is in serious doubt.

But whether Dr. Ben Carson is the man to best try to undo the destruction that Obama has wrought, one cannot say with certainty. But what is certain is that, in terms of honesty, character, and courage, Ben Carson is the very antithesis of what we have in the Oval Office today.

There are a couple of other GOP candidates in the presidential race I like very much and can happily support, but I have no concerns that Ben Carson would be a choice for president that every American could be proud of…and not because he is black, but because he is an outstanding individual who would make the correct and moral choices in every situation and with every appointment he would be called upon to make.

Reading  The Empty Outrage About Ben Carson  His critics have religious tests of their own. An excellent article by George Neumayr writing at American Spectator.  Read it in its entirety.  Excerpt here:

Somehow the religious right by the Left’s estimate doesn’t include Islam, even as its extremist eruptions make even the most tenacious sects of Christianity look tame by comparison. Liberals would sooner vote for the officers of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is a front group for Islamic terrorists, than Ben Carson, who has been declared by that sham PR outfit, with help from a deferential media, “unfit” for the presidency.


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