VDH trying to figure out Obama’s efforts

Our milder synopsis of Obama: definitely cynical, acultural,  anti-American. To hold all those to Obama’s extent one has to be pretty stupid, certainly not as smart as one thinks one is.  Vote here after reading further.

There are few, if any, writers who say it better than Victor Davis Hanson:

Obama: Nihilist or Just Incompetent? 

“Where did all the rogues and incompetents at the GSA, ICE, NSA, TSA, and VA come from? Did they simply come out of the woodwork once Obama set the tone that bureaucrats are to be ACORN and SEIU-like community organizers? . . .

“Was all this due to incompetence or nihilism?

“Who knows or cares? The only mystery left is how much damage the last gasp of 2016 will bring? Abroad, our enemies will rightly conclude that 2016 is about the time to cash in the last of their winnings and leave the table. And at home, we will have a year to go of petulance, spite, and snark because we have finally rejected the messiah sent into the world to save us.”

One aspect of this column that seems especially intriguing to us is the clear, concise recounting by Hanson (just by brief reference) to the vast number of actions, some obviously illegal, others simply bizarre, all seriously questionable, committed by Obama and the cast of “rogues and incompetents” that have populated his administration over these past 6 plus years.

In almost every case, the elements of scandal are so persuasive that a reasonably competent national media would be compelled to demand an intensive search for factual accounting by the players. In the full range of highly questionable activities, the true facts of which have been so well-hidden from the public eye, nearly every one of them is potentially far more serious than any of the truly “phony scandals” of the G W Bush era (eg. the “Valerie Plame” incident, the Alberto Gonzalez “politicization of the Justice Dept.” nonsense, the “pre-emptive war” myth, the “Bush lied, people died” slander).

And yet, the media is happily occupied with speculation about whether last year’s widely acknowledged national buffoon/this year’s widely “respected” elder statesman, Joe Biden, will seek the presidential nomination!

Go figure.           DLH

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