So are Republican conservatives going to support Ryan to be Speaker?

Good G*d we hope not. Why would House conservatives want a pro-amnesty supporter of spending and debt increases and a weak sister with the power of the purse? 

Consider however that our preferences are reasonably flexible within a rather large base group.  To start, with reference to the recent continuing resolution vote, Republicans should consider no one who was part of the 91 who voted with every Democrat to continue funding all aspects of the Obamanation, including his amnesty executive orders and not reducing Planned Parenthood’s funding one penny. One hundred and fifty-one Republicans voted no. That is a good group to start from because they are not so quick to give up politcal leverage and the power of the purse. Paul Ryan was one of the 91. We hardly want a Ryan type who has exposed himself as a pushover.

images-17Even more troubling is the idea of someone with Ryan’s immigration amnesty record and  the favorable anticipation towards him by open-borders types such as Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D).  Why would conservative Republicans, if they are telling the truth about their views on such matters, consider Ryan supportable?  Oh Ryan may be willing to loosen up some of the grip of the speakership, but would he be an effective spokesman for the politically crucial  agenda of border control, stopping the financial drain on the welfare system caused by illegal immigration and the political and cultural transformation of the country (as opposed to assimilation)?  How formidable a bargainer would he be on spending, his supposed forte when he won’t employ leverage using the power of the purse to protect the Constitution?  He has demonstrated that his position statements can be ignored. He will allow the continuation of business as usual.

Here are some links and excerpts from some articles suggesting Ryan is reconsidering his demurrals regarding running for Speaker along with a mixed selection of statements from  conservatives about his candidacy.

Report: Ryan Privately Saying He’s Open To Running For Speaker

Powerful, conservative Republican caucus open to Ryan as next speaker

The leader of the House Republicans’ most powerful conservative caucus said Sunday that his group would consider Rep. Paul Ryan as the chamber’s next speaker.

“Paul Ryan is a good man,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, told “Fox News Sunday.” “If he gets in the race, certainly our group would look favorably on him.”

The caucus, which was influential in ousting House Speaker John Boehner last month, has officially endorsed Florida Rep. Daniel Webster, one of the caucus’ roughly 40 members.

House Conservatives Lukewarm to Idea of Ryan as Speaker

“Last I knew, [Ryan] definitely didn’t want to do it,” Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., said. He also criticized the two-year budget agreement Ryan worked on with Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray in 2013, saying that lawmakers in both parties want to break up the agreement less than two years later.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan once again reiterated that his group had already backed Webster, and declined to comment on Ryan for the job.

Rep. John Fleming, R-La., meanwhile, called the idea of a Ryan groundswell “media-driven,” as he has “made it clear he’s not interested.”

‘Vote For Paul Ryan Is Vote For Amnesty’: Luis Gutierrez Endorses Paul Ryan For Speaker  Via Julia Hahn at Breitbart

As CNN is now reporting, “Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez on MSNBC called Ryan one of the smartest men in the GOP. ‘He would be good for the country,’ Gutierrez said. ‘He would be good for the Republican Party. Paul Ryan is the kind of individual that would work with people on the other side of the aisle and that’s what we need.’”

Gutierrez has worked tirelessly to expand immigration levels and open America’s borders up to the rest of the world. As Gutierrez once declared, “I have only one loyalty…and that’s to the immigrant community.” . . .

In 2013, Guterriez described Ryan as his ally in Gutierrez’s goal to “free” the illegal immigrant community: “When I sit down and talk to people, I clear the table, so I can see Paul Ryan not as budget chairman… but as a friend and an ally to free 11 million people.”…

When then-Ranking Member Jeff Sessions exposed how the Gang of Eight bill would cost American taxpayers trillions, Ryan used his Budget Committee prestige in the House to argue that an influx of poor immigrants would somehow reduce the deficit.

Ryan has similarly come under criticism for busting federal budget caps, pushing through spending and debt increases, having been “shredded” by Joe Biden in the Vice Presidential 2012 debate, and being one of the central architects of Obamatrade.

However, whereas Gutierrez criticized Cantor for not being open borders enough, he has endorsed his longtime ally Paul Ryan. Whereas a Pelosi speakership would likely make an amnesty compromise between a GOP senate and Democrat House impossible, if Ryan wields the gavel, the Gang of Eight – or something just like it – could very quickly come back to life.

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