Democrat debate — our observations

All you need to know about the dominant liberal media consensus “winner”

 “I will build on the successes of the Obama administration”. Hillary

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Further observations:

Only one of the five appeared to have any sanity at all: Jim Webb.

Bernie? My “common sense” gun control proposal: I wouldn’t let Bernie buy a gun.

Who won? Like asking who made the best sculpture from a pile of elephant shit? (I wouldn’t want to present the trophy to the winner)

Scariest moments? Whenever Hil or Bern spoke of their ‘ideas’.

Anxious to hear the analysis of the total cost of Bernie’s various proposals; Is Billy Gates and Warren the Buffett all fired up to pay for them?

Actually I thought Anderson Cooper did a surprisingly decent job. What was Dana Bash there for? Jim Webb got to say more than she did.

E mail scandal? What email scandal? Wait’ll Bernie runs the FBI. Oh wait. What difference would it make. It’s no longer a serious law enforcement agency since Obama.

All in all, these two and a half hours make me miss the excitement of the “Celebrity Chef” show.


For some additional perspective see the links below. Keep in mind the “fact check” people linked to here are liberals themselves with an agenda and frame of reference.

FactChecking the Democratic Debate:
The candidates stretched the facts on unemployment, wages and Social Security, among other topics.

AP Fact Check:

Clinton and Sanders Revise History During Debate
 Clinton revises trade history in Democratic debate, Sanders off on income claim.

Don’t worry that Bernie or Hillary will bother with any precision as result of these “fact checks.”  But you can count on them to obfuscate more.

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One Response to Democrat debate — our observations

  1. Gus says:

    “Why, sometimes I’ve believed ten impossible things before breakfast.” Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, 1865; Bernie Sanders, 2015

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