When faced with an enemy and a traitor – what to do?

Is there no alternative to what amounts to abject surrender to the radical, oppressive, stop at nothing far leftist Democratic party of today?

It is a very fair question and much more important than the Ray Stevens ditty might imply. It is one that addresses the degree of courage and commitment one who embraces only the most hopeless outcome for conservatism and survival of the America we have known.

My answer is that there seems little evidence to suggest that there is a viable alternative, given the state of the Republican Party today, as it is led by the “establishment” cronies, consultants, and connivers.

But, if there is, it lies in a), nominating a non-establishment GOP candidate for president, and, b) replacing with honest, trustworthy conservatives as many establishment incumbents in both Houses as possible.

But, what is the assurance that the replacements for establishment incumbents will keep whatever promises they make once they get to DC? After all many of those there now “convinced” us they were rock solid, true-to-the-bone conservatives.

Careful selection is the only precaution but nothing can be guaranteed. Another requirement is, of course, a replacement for a long serving incumbent must be electable. John McCain is an example. He is long overdue for replacement. He is the “establishment’s establishment” guy, strong on defense perhaps, but on few other conservative issues. Is there a real conservative in Arizona who can beat John McCain? Is Kelli Ward that “real” conservative and will she defeat this icon of “reaching across the aisle” and win in the general election?…if not…

Another consideration is that a significant chunk of the current GOP’s donor class is at best “sketchy”. Many have no interest in conservative principles or Constitutional integrity. Donald Trump has highlighted those grim facts of American political life. Today’s US Chamber of Commerce would very likely walk away from the GOP if a non-establishment candidate somehow secured the nomination. Their spending to take out any such candidate will be fierce if the possibility looms.

Recent revelations would likely dampen even the most optimistic believer in the American system’s “worst in the world…except for all the rest”.

I’ve suggested that my list of preferences reluctantly includes Marco Rubio. Recent disclosures, however, that the newest billionaire donor to Rubio’s campaign is a major backer of expanded immigration to invite millions of lower paid foreigners into key sectors of our economy moves Mr. Rubio further up on my “reluctance” scale. His support of the “Gang of Eight” amnesty is looking less and less like a youthful miscue.

Can the likes of Trump, Carson, Cruz, actually meet the demands of the Oval Office.?

Of course any one of them can! Each is highly accomplished in their respective areas of endeavor. Each has exhibited a fundamental honesty and a formidable intellect. Their insights and opinions are far more reflective of a large majority of Americans than the media would ever be likely to admit.

When one compares each one of these people, and I would add Fiorina, Jindal, and even Mike Huckabee and certainly Rick Santorum, to Barack Obama, the very question is laughable.

Mr. Obama came to office with far less experience in anything, and that which he had was all in the service of a distinctly unAmerican trait. His only proven ability was to sow dissatisfaction, divide people by class, color, faith, values, or any other way he deemed useful.

He appealed to uninformed, thoughtless Democrat voters, followers of people like Joe Biden or Harry Reid because he was seen as a black person who seemed to bathe regularly, could speak with or without a “negro dialect” as his audience might require, and claimed a big time education.

Honesty is an unknown trait to Barack Obama. “Loyalty” is something he grants abundantly only to himself. He is that kid from the snobbish family you knew back in grade school, peevish, self-absorbed, sarcastic toward those he knew couldn’t or wouldn’ t hurt him. He grew into a peevish, even more self-absorbed, sarcastic adult, expert at self-promotion and well aware of ways to use his black side of his persona, when it helped him and to discard it when it didn’t. He is a man who clearly despises everything about America, except what he can personally extract from it. He despises our traditions, our history, our values, our role in the world…not just the negative side, but everything about this country.

And someone asks if those GOP candidates I’ve cited “meet the demands of the Office of President? Take a look at what we’ve got today and ask me that again.

Whether it is Cruz, or Trump, or Dr. Carson, or any of the others, I have no doubt that the people they would choose to help them govern this nation would be, in every way, more honest, more experienced, more skilled, more devoted to the cause of our nation, than the obedient, disgraceful America-hating ideologues Mr. Obama has an uncanny knack for finding who-knows-where  to populate what has become the most corrupt, tyrannical regime in US history.

Each of the three or four candidates highest on my order of preference, are far more aware of the serious concerns of most Americans, and share their views of what the nation most needs. Three stand out to me for having the moral courage to lead…Cruz, Trump, and Carson.

They know, more than most of the others the ways in which they will be attacked in the most vicious, underhanded, relentless ways by the media, the entertainment industry, the rent-seeking big business community, academia, and most of all their own political party.

They’ve seen a long parade of good, dedicated, solidly American public servants utterly destroyed, mocked, financially ruined in some cases, shunned even by some who supported them until the smear machines finally destroyed their reputations, their, families, their livelihoods.

So when the question is posed: “Is there no alternative to abject surrender to the radical, oppressive, tyrannical, stop-at-nothing Democratic Party and the treacherous, traitorous, dishonest Republican Party establishment?”

These three men and the handful of courageous men and women who might be willing to endure the same such trials to unseat the posers in congress who assured us they put America ahead of their own narrow interests and then repay our naiveté with the most blatant betrayals.

I was recently reminded of a saying, actually coined by a rather unsavory minor historical figure I’ll not name, for his cause was not an honorable one. But the underlying truths of his words have always intrigued me as they relate to today’s dilemma conservatives face within the political party they’ve given their hopes, entirely, it seems, in vain.  In a manner of speaking then, what to do politically?

“When faced with an enemy and a traitor and have only one bullet, shoot the traitor”. (The traitor will do you far more harm than the enemy.)


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