CONFIRMED: Kerry is a dangerous idiot…but, so’s his boss

images-17The dangerous stupidity of this poseur needs no clarifying comment. His words cry out to all who hear them: “I am the most dangerous ignoramus America could have in this job…with the possible exception of my immediate predecessor”!    Frpm Bidgett Johnson writing at PJ Media

Kerry in Paris: Charlie Hebdo Attack Had ‘Rationale’ to ‘Aggrieve One Particular Sense of Wrong’

Kerry began by thanking the French locals who staff the U.S. Embassy. “We could not do our work here without you, and I know it’s particularly difficult right now, but it’s always difficult because you are working, carrying with you whatever baggage comes with the country you work for, and in our case, there’s very little because of our friendship with France,” he said. “But nevertheless, we are deeply appreciative for your commitment to helping us to help people to share the values and the interests that we are all working to protect.”

“In the last days, obviously, that has been particularly put to the test. There’s something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that. There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of — not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, okay, they’re really angry because of this and that. This Friday was absolutely indiscriminate. It wasn’t to aggrieve one particular sense of wrong. It was to terrorize people. It was to attack everything that we do stand for. That’s not an exaggeration.”

imageedit_3_3308953072There you have it France and the world, the  Charlie Hebdo attack had the rationale of a provocative cartoon that to any rational religionist was of no import, and Benghazi had the provocation of an obscure video insulting Islam. In both cases, by the lights of Kerry (and Obama and Hillary)  the Paris and Benghazi attacks might not have happened.


Moron the Capo di Capo:*

After jihadists attack Paris, a resolute Obama lectures Republicans about intolerance

Obama: Wanting to accept only Christian refugees from the Middle East is un-American

The thing is that apart from active terrorists to bring it about, a lot of Muslims in the US would like to have Shari’a law instituted and a lot of them would impose it and all it entails.

Poll: Most U.S. Muslims would trade Constitution for Shariah  Excerpt from the WND article:

There are now an estimated 3 million Muslims residing in the United States as citizens or with permanent legal status, and more than 250,000 new Muslim residents enter the U.S. per year as refugees, on work visas and student-based visas, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

A poll commissioned in May 2015 by the Center for Security Policy showed that 51 percent of American Muslims preferred that they should have their own Shariah courts outside of the legal system ruled by the U.S. Constitution. And nearly a quarter believed the use of violent jihad was justified in establishing Shariah.

“That would translate into roughly 300,000 Muslims living in the United States who believe that Shariah is ‘The Muslim God Allah’s law that Muslims must follow and impose worldwide by Jihad,'” writes Frank Gaffney Jr., president of the Center for Security Policy.

OBAMAREFUGEESSome sort of obligatory or pro-forma response?  To some extent yes, but then again what of those who did not want the questioner to hear that they supported imposing Shariah, or felt that such attitudes should not be revealed, or felt compelled to mislead?

Our view is that Muslim nations should step up and take all the Muslim refugees. Only after a secure and normal paced vetting process is established should true refugees be admitted. We can help with funding for some of the international relief efforts.   There should be no automatic conference of birth citizenship to offspring of any illegal immigrant and never unless one parent is a citizen.

R Mall.

  • once again we apologize for our clumsy word processor template that defaults to “moron” instead of “more on” with introductions to certain personages.  We are working on getting it corrected.
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