Why would this not be grounds for Obama’s impeachment and subsequent criminal charges including treason?
Just askin’
In an earlier post we raised the matter of the whatever it was that Obama took it upon himself to agree to with Iran. An Investors Business Daily article has prompted further comment :
Iran Nuclear Deal Isn’t A Bad Deal After All; It’s No Deal
This story should shake the foundations of this nation. President Obama and the fool who currently serves as Secretary of State have blatantly betrayed the American people and have endangered the citizens of the United States and the people of the entire free world.
It is less than one news cycle since it was revealed that the “agreement” with Iran to “prevent” that country’s development of a nuclear weapon is NOT an “agreement” at all!
And yet, a scan of this Thanksgiving holiday’s news reports does not even mention this story.
The Obama administration itself now describes this “thing” as a “non-binding”, non-executive agreement, not a treaty, not a signed document!
Where’s the shock? the outrage? Why is Congress not livid?!
This is a “deal” which no one has signed. How can Iran be accused of violating an “agreement” which never existed.The $150 billion will have been dispensed; the sanctions will have been lifted; the various nations which were once party to the sanctions will be freely and profitably doing business with Iran; Iran will continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East and well beyond; America’s one time allies will be cutting deals with Iran, Russia, China, and whomever else they can find since Obama and the US cannot be relied upon, never tells the truth, and rewards and supports all of the world’s bad actors.
The American people were lied to throughout the “negotiation process”. They were assured that the result of the talks would be an agreement which would prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. No such assurances were achieved. The so-called “inspection regime” is a farce; Iran has side deals with the UN that the US has no idea of what they entail.
Of all the many lies Obama has told to the world and the American people, this “deal” is by far the most dangerous perhaps in world history.
Why aren’t both political parties, the news media, and the American people demanding that Obama step down or be removed from office immediately?!
Iran Nuclear Deal Isn’t A Bad Deal After All; It’s No Deal (excerpts)
Nuclear Charade: The Obama administration admits to Congress that its nuclear pact with Iran has not been signed by the Iranian regime and has no legal force. Obama’s “tough diplomacy” is puff diplomacy.
The White House’s latest updated “Strategy for American Innovation” left one innovation out: diplomatic pacts with other countries that don’t have to be signed. …
But if the deal is not signed, what does it matter what clause is there? A nonsigned contract is no contract, which our law “professor” president presumably was taught in his high school business law class.
Iran knows this — which is exactly why it hasn’t signed. “Moderate” President Hassan Rouhani in August opposed parliamentary approval because “it will create an obligation for the government. It will mean the president, who has not signed it so far, will have to sign it,” he said, asking, “Why should we place an unnecessary legal restriction on the Iranian people?”
So Iran gets gobs of money, the inspections are a joke, any reimposition of sanctions is of little or no value because Iran has its money and anyway it takes the “international community” forever to do anything even if disposed to. In the mean time Iran (did we mention it gets billions and billions released to it) continues to get better centrifuges *and more time to pull together all that it needs while fomenting terrorism elsewhere which it will then use to further pressure the West.
Recalcitrance in Congress in response to Obama moves the likelihood of nuclear hegemony by Iran closer.
DLH with R Mall
More reading about Iran’s nuclear capabilities and Obama’s non-agreement in links below:
Iran Watch: Iran’s nuclear timetable
Free Beacon: Nuclear Deal Would Leave Iran With 5,000 Centrifuges
Pakistan secured nuclear weapons with 3,000
Politifact: The odd reality of Iran’s centrifuges: Enough for a bomb, not power
Clarion Project: Iran Backtracks, Stops Dismantling Centrifuges
Arms Control.org : Iran Installs Advanced Centrifuges
Breaking Israel News: Obama Warns of “Zero” Breakout Time as Iran Reported to Launch New Generation of Centrifuges
Hindustan Times: Pak gave Iran 4,000 centrifuges: Former Iranian Prez Rafsanjani