The only thing to fear is Obama’s federal government

“The day after a horrific shooting spree by what appears to be a radicalized Muslim man and his partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a Muslim advocacy and lobbying group that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

“Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocates’ 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her “greatest fear” is the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric” in America and vowed to prosecute any guilty of what she deemed violence-inspiring speech.”

“If you see something, say something”…only, of course, if it “edges toward violence” against Muslims. If you see a Muslim student being “bullied” in school, call Attorney General Loretta Lynch immediately (after hours, call her at home).

If you overhear some Christians say disparaging words about Islam, call Loretta!

Ms. Lynch has announced in no uncertain terms that her “greatest concern” is for a “Muslim backlash” in the aftermath of the unfortunate events in Paris and in San Bernardino, CA.

She underscored her vow that if she detects some untoward behavior toward a follower of Islam, she will bring down the full wrath of the Obama government. The chief law enforcement officer of our nation followed up on that vow by announcing she will initiate an investigation of the school and the police dept action involved in what has become known as the “Clock Boy incident”. (This should facilitate a multi-million $ payoff to settle the lad’s $15 million lawsuit…a popular move taken by Democrat administrations in Baltimore and Chicago even before any wrongdoing was established or a lawsuit even filed. )

In the case of the clock boy, the lesson Ms. Lynch apparently wants to convey is that, if it looks like an explosive device, and the person is acting strangely, check to be sure that you’re not practicing “backlash”. If the person is a white Christian, report it immediately!

Video of Obama’s “climate changeĀ  fear ” speech and Fox News panel response:



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