She claimed Trump was on videos used to recruit radical jihadists.
- She never mentioned husband Bill made the cut as an example of what they consider the worst about America, along with its approval of “freedom for Sodomites.”
According to Hillary:
He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going out people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
No such video existed that she could produce to substantiate her claim. It was a lie. However, it being no technical issue to add Trump’s visage and any commentary they want to make about him to a video, at Hillary’s suggestion, an Islamic terror group has now included Trump in a recruiting video. Hillaryites, given their grasp of logic, are now touting the updated video as vindication of Hillary’s statement. The riff is that Trump is viewed as being anti-Islam. What they are not mentioning is that Hillary’s husband Bill has been included in terrorist recruitment videos. In Bill’s case, identifying him as a fornicator. As noted in this Breitbart article:
Clinton is under fire for comments she made in Saturday’s Democratic debate, in which she claimed that the Islamic State is using videos of Donald Trump talking about Muslims in their terrorist propaganda videos. That statement turned out to be false.
Instead, the group known as ISIS is recruiting people based on their hatred of Bill Clinton’s extramarital affairs and the marriage rights of American homosexuals.
A recent Islamic State video “No Respite,” released in advance of the holiday season, calls for the creation of an Islamic caliphate. “Not a secular state built on man-made laws whose soldiers fight for the interests of legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations, and for the freedom of Sodomites,” the ad states, showing Bill Clinton as the “fornicator.”
Gary Bauer writing today at Campaign for Working Families adds perspective (excerpts):
The radical Islamic terror group al-Shabaab released a recruitment video over the weekend. It features Malcolm X, stokes racial tensions and urges black Muslim Americans to rise up against our country. It sounds like it could have been written by Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader once honored by Obama’s Chicago church.
But what the media focused on was footage of Donald Trump calling for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to America until we can sort out the peaceful Muslims from those who hate us. . . .
Since the pro-Hillary, left-wing media are trying to revive the meme that conservative rhetoric is helping the Islamists, let me again put this ludicrous lie to rest. Jihadists don’t care about our immigration policies. They don’t need an excuse to attack us. . . .
Much of the video attacks U.S. drone strikes. Does Hillary Clinton want to stop drone strikes because Islamists object to them and use the strikes to recruit more jihadists?
In the left’s world, Islamophobia causes radical Islamism. But in reality, radical jihadism causes Islamophobia.
Bauer has more to say about the Obama Clinton Kerry foreign policy regarding Iran (excerpts)
When Obama took office in January 2009, Iraq was a relatively stable nation. Iran was contained and ISIS did not exist. Now there is chaos throughout the Middle East. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is in Syria trying to fix Obama’s mess. And the Iranians have been unleashed.
Obama, Clinton and Kerry pinned their hopes on cutting a nuclear deal with the mullahs in Tehran. (Yes, Hillary was a big part of that process too.) They claimed a deal would strengthen moderates, open Iran to trade and lead to Iran becoming a responsible state.
Obama got his deal. Congressional Democrats guaranteed it. The left embraced it. But did Iran open its doors to U.S. goods? No. The ayatollah banned them.
Did Iran renounce its support for terrorism? No. It renewed support for Hamas, sent troops to Syria and armed rebels in Yemen.
Is Iran acting like a responsible regional power? No. In blatant violation of U.N. sanctions, Iran is testing nuclear-capable missiles and firing rockets near U.S. ships.
And when the U.S. threatened to respond to Iran’s missile violations, did Iran back down? No. Iran’s “moderate” president ordered his military to accelerate Iran’s missile program.
Astonishing! The Iranians believe Obama is a total pushover. He is. Apparently, the administration is now retreating from its plans to impose even minor sanctions against the Iranian regime.
Obama says he is promoting peace, but he is really projecting weakness and the world’s dictators are taking notice. He has deconstructed decades of bi-partisan policies in the Middle East and, in the process, he has unleashed the Islamic Republic of Iran.
More reading here at Campaign for Working Families. R Mall