Trump’s Alinsky tactics

Clarice Feldman at American Thinker, referencing James Taranto writing at the Wall Street Journal, makes a pretty good case for Donald Trump even though she  notes he is using tactics popularized by the infamous Saul Alinsky.  Feldman writes:

This week he made clear that if Hillary was going to charge him with being part of the “war on women” (the successor, I take it, to her historic “vast right wing conspiracy”), he was going to attack her as an enabler and defender of a serial sexual predator — her husband.

Feldman quotes Taranto:

“It’s a textbook example of Saul Alinsky’s fourth tactical rule: “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.” (That is as true of feminism as of Christianity.)

“And Trump is perfectly situated to level this attack, for precisely the reasons some Chozicks imagine otherwise. He himself is a voluptuary, not a moralist, which immunizes him through pure logic against any accusation of hypocrisy. As a practical matter, his tabloid lifestyle inoculates him against inquisitions into his private life of the sort that snared Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston during the Clinton impeachment. “

The important thing to realize about Trump, as Ms. Feldman points out, is that he is the first candidate who is unafraid to say what the media and Democrats have always known and what most Americans have long  wished some prominent politician would have the courage to say. If there is a “war on women”, the primary attackers are Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill has raped (literally) and pillaged a path through the feminine countryside at a pace that hasn’t been seen since Grant took Richmond…with Hillary bringing up his rear!

The American electorate, in my opinion, has longed for someone to bluntly characterize the Clintons for what they are and not be afraid of offending the “independents”. (If the truth offends the independents, they are not so independent after all, but rather, captives to their cowardice to face reality. And I don’t believe there are that many such Americans!

Perhaps many Democrats, Republicans, and “independents” will see a candidate willing to speak truth and risk offending the hypocritical news media as reason enough to vote for Trump. Who knows?


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