Cruz — trumps Trump

  • The Donald was distressed by “insulting comments” seriously, he said that
  • Cruz Apologizes FOR New York  – good for him! (see below)
  • As regards the politics, New York City has not voted for a Republican presidential nominee in what  — ever? And the state has not in over thirty years and it gave Obama increasing margins!
  • We suppose it is possible Trump could win New York even against New York Hillary, like Romney carried Massachusetts

If all one heard about the Republican debate last night was from liberal New York based media, about all that happened was Donald Trump defending “New York” from a comment Ted Cruz made, not intended to be definitive or about the whole state, but reflective of the power structure there that Trump has been unquestionably part of.  The comment was not without history or justification. It was on the heals of Trump questioning Cruz’s authenticity saying

“Just remember this – you gotta remember, in all fairness, to the best of my knowledge, not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba, okay?” Mr. Trump said at a campaign event Tuesday. “Just remember that…just remember.”

And so  — Via CBS New York affiliate:

During the debate Cruz was asked by debate moderator Maria Bartiromo to explain what he meant when he said Republican front-runner Donald Trump embodies “New York values.”

“I think most people know what New York values are,” Cruz replied.

When Bartiromo pointed out that she herself was from New York, Cruz said, “You’re from New York, so you might not (know what New York values are), but I promise you in the state of South Carolina, they do.”

“There are many wonderful, wonderful working men and women in the State of New York, but everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro- gay-marriage, focus around money and the media,” Cruz went on.

He added that “not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan.”

We don’t think we need to recount “New York’s” notorious liberality in all cultural values at issue, abortion, gay marriage, gun laws and more, or that Donald Trump has been at least as generous to the power structure that pushes such policies as he has ever been to Republicans.

So to the The New York Daily News which ran this front page response to Cruz we offer our graphic response however with the trepidation that the Daily News may have merely been reporting the city’s IQ attainment and was ever so proud.




Cruz has apologized FOR the people of New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Amid heat from both sides of the aisle following his comments about “New York values” during Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate. Ted Cruz issued an apology – but not for his remarks.

CBS News’ Weijia Jiang and other reporters spoke with Cruz Friday evening to get his reaction on demands for an apology. Cruz did not apologize for his remarks, but instead used the occasion to slam both Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio for a variety of policies and controversies.

“You’re right. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio have all demanded an apology, and I’m happy to apologize. I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers that have been let down by liberal politicians in that state,” Cruz said.

“I apologize to the hardworking men and women in the state of New York who have been denied jobs because Governor Cuomo won’t allow fracking even though there’s been many high-paying jobs just south in Pennsylvania. New Yorkers are denied the ability to provide for their families,” 

“I apologize to all the pro-life and pro-marriage and pro-Second Amendment New Yorkers who were told by Governor Cuomo that they have no place in New York, because that’s who New Yorkers are.”

“I apologize to all of the African-American children, whom Mayor de Blasio tried to throw out of their charter schools that were providing a lifeline to the American dream,” he said.

“I apologize to all the cops, and the firefighters and 9/11 heroes who had no choice but to stand and turn their backs on Mayor de Blasio, because Mayor de Blasio over and over again stands with the looters and criminals rather than the brave men and women in blue,”

R Mall

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2 Responses to Cruz — trumps Trump

  1. DLH says:

    Just to reinforce what Senator Cruz said: This is from the liberal UK newspaper, The Guardian, Jan. 24, 2014:

    “New York’s official state motto is Excelsior, often translated as “ever upward”, but if Governor Andrew Cuomo had his way, he’s prefer it to say “ever liberal”. He recently told conservative Republicans – specifically anyone who is pro-traditional marriage, pro-life or pro-guns – they “have no place in the state of New York”.
    “Conservative media has jumped all over Cuomo and rightfully so. It was a silly thing to say, reminiscent of the 2008 campaign trail faux pas Barack Obama made when he said people from small towns in Pennsylvania and the midwest are bitter and “cling to their guns or religion”. Obama was trying to highlight how angry people are over job losses in the rust belt, but it came off as degrading to Americans in rural areas.”
    But to illustrate what genius resides in the leadership of New York, mere months before Governor Cuomo proclaimed who “is” welcome in the state and who is not, he announced a $50 million campaign to invite businesses to the state (June 21, 2012):

    The Governor, joined by Speaker Sheldon Silver, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, and advertising agency BBDO Chief Executive Officer John Osborn, presented six ads today that will run across the country, highlighting the states economic opportunities. The “New New York Works for Business” initiative is part of “New York Open for Business,” a $50 million business marketing campaign that passed in the last two budget cycles.
    The ads were designed and produced by BBDO New York, in partnership with Empire State Development (ESD), and were voiced over by Robert DeNiro, and feature the song Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys, all New Yorkers.
    By sending the message that New York is the place for businesses to come and thrive, we can deliver on our number one priority: creating jobs, jobs, jobs, said Governor Cuomo. We are competing against many other states that have been working for years to entice businesses but it is time for the business community to realize that our state is the place for them to succeed and prosper.
    Apparently, though, only liberal companies need apply.

  2. Roy Munson says:

    So Trump is still attacking Cruz 4 days later all over and in just about every tweet of his on Twitter. I said at the time it was a bad move and that this better not carry over and was assured by fellow debate watchers it wasn’t and it wouldn’t. So I turned on the radio at work today and was listening to Rush and what did he and multiple callers say? That Trump made a really bad move and this is where conservatives draw the line!

    Looks like it’s time to hang up my “Make America Great Again” hat and commit to Cruz for the Caucus. And there will be lots of people like me also. I don’t need a guy who had been a registered Democrat up until 2 years ago trashing the most solid Republican we have had in decades. It’s complete bs. And yes I will still vote for him in November if he’s the nominee I’m not a moron. I just can’t back him Feb 1st.

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