Tragedy in Ames; a Momma Grizzly steps in a trap

Say it ain’t so, Sarah

Will Sarah’s endorsement help Trump…or hurt Governor Palin?

coldAs a Sarah Palin fan and supporter, I was disappointed to learn of her endorsement of Donald Trump for the GOP Presidential nomination.

I am not opposed to Mr. Trump but my personal preference at this stage of the race is Ted Cruz. In my view Senator Cruz is the more true conservative than Mr. Trump and is a man of proven abilities and courage. True, as Trump says, Senator Cruz is not liked in Washington…by the establishment of both parties. That is what makes him an excellent candidate for President of the United States.

He could have certainly made himself well-liked when he came to Washington as a freshman Senator, even though he had defeated an establishment candidate for the Senate seat. All he had to do was “go along to get along”; obey Mitch McConnell and promote the interests of the donor class, the GOP consultants, and the US Chamber of Commerce…like Marco Rubio.
He didn’t! Instead he worked for the American people and he aggressively opposed the actions of the Obama administration.

And that will make you Public Enemy Number One to the mainstream media and the political class in Washington.

What saddens me is that Sarah Palin was  in a similar position almost 8 years ago. A woman with genuine class, a very popular governor, and with a great track record for the short time she’d been in politics and in the governorship of Alaska.

In my view, no one in politics in the “modern era” was treated worse and with greater vitriol by the media and many in the GOP establishment than Sarah Palin. It was not just unfair, it was vicious, nasty, personal, and continued even after she left the spotlight of national elective politics, continuing even today.

She was not liked, in Washingto or in Hollywood!

Further, it was Ms. Palin who endorsed Senator Cruz in his successful upset of an establishment candidate. It was Ms. Palin that Mr. Cruz credited with helping his win as she has helped other conservative Tea Party and Libertarian candidates.

Thus, it is disappointing, not that she has endorsed Donald Trump, but in so doing, has contributed to the attempt to diminish the candidacy of Ted Cruz.

And I think that is sad. Ted Cruz has far more ideological kinship to Ms. Palin than Donald Trump has. This will not enhance her status with the GOP establishment. And, Sarah Palin, with this endorsement has tarnished her luster as a scrappy, fearless advocate for the conservative values she has seemed to stand for and fought for since she came on the national scene.

I think Governor Palin’s endorsement has damaged her conservative image and status more than it has enhanced Mr. Trump’s.

And that is sad.


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One Response to Tragedy in Ames; a Momma Grizzly steps in a trap

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Yep it was a real head scratcher. I thought for sure she would endorse Cruz as well. And I agree it will probably hurt her with some conservatives for not going with the one candidate we can all trust and never waver in Cruz.

    Pretty good move by Trump though just for the fact his name will be in the news all week (not that it ever isn’t) and he gets more free media. Hell the left is practically sending Twitter into a meltdown over this. I think Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann have been carried away to their padded rooms it got so bad!

    Also not good timing with Palin’s son getting busted fighting with his girlfriend drunk and having a gun at the Palin’s house, this morning!

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