Bauer lambasts Branstad

Gary Bauer is a leading social conservative who heads Campaign for Working Families. He ran in the Iowa presidential caucuses in 2000 and knows the state and the caucus system well  (as well as the likes of most of the current contenders) and has many contacts in the state. We have reposted his communications at least once or twice a month.  He is usually reserved, but not so much in this post as regards Terry Branstad’s attacks on Ted Cruz

Establishment Branstad Attacks Conservative Cruz

Governor Terry Branstad jumped into the Iowa caucuses yesterday not to say who he is for, but to launch an “ABC” campaign . . . “Anybody But Cruz.” Thanks for nothing, Governor.

Speaking to reporters at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, Gov. Branstad sounded like a left-wing Democrat, blasting Ted Cruz for being “heavily financed by Big Oil,” adding that he wanted to see Cruz defeated in Iowa.

The governor’s attack on a leading conservative is a good example of why many grassroots Republicans are so frustrated with the party establishment.

I don’t believe Branstad’s smear had anything to do with energy companies in Texas donating to a conservative Senate candidate. Who else would they support? Certainly not the socialist Democrats who dream of shutting down the oil, natural gas and coal industries.

Instead, I think it represents the revulsion that the GOP establishment feels when a conservative who won’t budge on his principles comes along and threatens to turn off the spigot of federal subsidies to special interest groups.

Does Gov. Branstad believe in free markets and oppose the government picking winners and losers?

Governor Branstad should be concerned with defeating Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders by delivering Iowa to the GOP column this November, not doing the Democrats’ work by slashing Ted Cruz. Clinton and Sanders don’t need Branstad’s help.

Should Ted Cruz win the GOP nomination, I fear we will see the governor’s outrageous remarks in an attack ad this fall supporting the Democrats. And the last thing we need is another four years of Obama’s failed policies.

Our sentiments as well.

R Mall

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