Is there any doubt America is under frightening tyrannical rule?

  • images-15Hillary’s security violations could not be more obvious
  • The clear message is —  something is not illegal if Hilary does it, or if Obama does not want it prosecuted

You should read the Investors Business Daily lead editorial excerpted below in its entirety.      It is only a consequence of the past seven years of the Obama administration that this short list of obvious illegal activity by an individual would not immediately provide sufficient evidence for prosecution…and certain conviction. Indeed any one of the violations.

One must wonder how any public figure, politician, legal authority, regular citizen, can be aware of this and not be scared over what kind of federal government we are living under.  ‘Corrupt’ doesn’t even begin to describe what has happened to America under the rule of Barack Obama.

images-9Hillary Emails: 7 Smoking Guns Found … So Far   (excerpts)

A review by Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough found emails that contain “special access program” (SAP) information, which is available only on a “need to know” basis because exposure could put a human asset at risk.

The material contained in these emails is so sensitive, in fact, that some senators on the Foreign Relations Committee couldn’t see them unless they fulfilled additional security requirements. 

Just two weeks ago, an email turned up in which Clinton told an underling to strip classification markings off a document so it could be sent electronically to her personal email account.

 She is also on record berating a staffer for not sending information she was told was “on the classified system.” Hillary’s response was “just email it.”

Before that, several emails turned up that contained information deemed “born classified” — because it contained “foreign government information” and “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States” — which again she should have known without any markings.

She wrote several of them herself. In one, sent to special Middle East envoy George Mitchell in late 2009, everything after “George” was deemed classified. Since she created and sent these classified emails, she can’t claim that she wouldn’t have sent them if they had been marked.

She claimed to have turned over every work-related email on her server, but it is now clear that she didn’t .

Clinton has been caught in lies about the security of her email server. She initially claimed that the system “had numerous safeguards” and that there “were no security breaches.” Since then, we’ve learned that it was far from secure and likely breached.

Contemplate this article from Joe Ott at Conservative Daily: 

Cover-Up Confirmed: Obama Officially Protecting Hillary  (excerpt) 

As you know, there is a bit of a winter storm blanketing the East Coast and Washington DC is getting hit particularly hard.

images-6Yesterday, the Federal government sent its employees home at noon in order to beat the storm. If the Feds let them stay at home on Monday as well, that means that the storm will have caused federal workers to miss a little more than a day and a half of work.

So why on Earth does the State Department think they can push back Hillary Clinton’s email release another month?

In a letter to the Judge, the Department of State blames the winter storm for their inability to meet the January 29th deadline and they request a one-month extension.

So, a winter storm makes the workers miss two days and all of a sudden they need an extra month? Something doesn’t add up…

Well, one look at the Democratic Primary calendar and you see why the Obama administration is stalling.

If the administration gets its way and the release date is pushed back to February 29, that means that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina will have voted without knowing what’s in the final batch of Hillary’s emails. Tens of thousands of pages of emails would get released the day before Super Tuesday before anyone could thoroughly read them!

They are literally trying to throw the election and coronate this criminal! . . .

DLH with R Mall

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