A most sober thought is to drink heavily — of this Feldman article

  • “Iowa should get the first primary in the nation or ethanol subsidies, but not both”

Once again, Clarice Feldman writing at American Thinker packs a ton of insight into a single column. It serves as an excellent guide to sober thought about the direction the GOP must take if to survive…if indeed, America, as America, is to survive.  Excerpts from A Soft Civil War

Washington, D.C. is blanketed in inches of soft powdery snow. The winds are mild and the roads unplowed. For a short time, we are bathed in silence as traffic, work, and commerce stalls. Once upon a time the Army was in charge of keeping the streets cleared, and they did, I’m told, a good job of it. With a form of self-rule, the district is in the charge, with the to-be-expected results: impassable streets.
Online, however, in the Republican camp there’s a soft civil war going on in preparation, I suppose, for the upcoming Iowa primary. One wag whose name I’ve unfortunately forgotten indicated Iowa should get the first primary in the nation or ethanol subsidies, but not both. The point is well taken. With the exception of only Cruz to my knowledge, candidates desiring an early win and momentum promise to keep the subsidies going. (The Democrat caucuses in that state resemble nothing so much as the Zimbabwe farmers-workers meetings where in true Marxist style the layabout operatives who can stay at it longer win the game as everyone else goes home to work or tend to their family obligations.)

The first paragraph set forth above got our attention because we support Cruz, his consistency and courage, and cringe at the blatant log rolling by the Iowa GOPe,  its disregard for the platform and that it has done so much to harm the Iowa caucuses as a wholesome entity.  But most of the article is not about Cruz, through the quotes offered it provides analysis of the Trump phenomenon and even his support by some conservatives.  An important read.


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