WSJ extraordinary in its viciousness; the GOPe must be worried

  • imageedit_15_5849224869Manhattan jetzt und für immer!!
  • WSJ editor homesick for Manhattan values, attacks Ted Cruz
  • We think its something they put in the water in liberal enclaves, like in California and Flint/Detroit.  It makes ’em smarter . . . just ask them


“Insufferable Jerk” Ted Cruz is now in the crosshairs of the fine folks at the GOP establishment’s “newspaper of record” .

Either believing that the establishment media has successfully destroyed the Trump inevitability, or has come to terms with the “dealmaker”, the Wall Street Journal today launched its “C” (as in Cruz) Day Invasion”.

“General” Bret Stephens, the paper’s Deputy Editor of its Editorial page, has been chosen to lead the assault and he did not hesitate to use his “big guns”, the nastiest rhetoric in the WSJ’s arsenal, to cover it.

The utter maliciousness of Stephen’s column Tuesday is shocking. I don’t recall any Wall Street Journal writer ever having attacked a politician of the Democratic Party, or any party , with the viciousness and meanness Stephens issued in this piece.

The Texan is repelling millions who believe in an America of the future, not the past”,  Mr. Stephens charges.

It appears that the columnist’s ire has been raised to stratospheric levels over Senator Cruz’s criticism of New York’s “values”.

Sorely offended by such a criticism, and according to his erudite analysis, Mr. Stephens tells readers that Cruz has a “deeper problem” than his “personal hypocrisy” and his “two-bit stereotypes”, or his “biting the hands that fed him”…in Cruz’s awful “assault on the Big Apple”.

Yessir! That mean old Cruz is conducting a “full frontal assault on millions of GOP voters who, on one issue or another,share some of those dreaded New York values”.

Stephens continues: “The Senator is trying to do to ‘socially moderate’ Republicans what Democrats did to their own social conservatives when they barred pro-life Pennsylvania Gov. Bob Casey from speaking at the 1992 Democratic Convention (note to Mr. Stephens: It worked for them apparently…8 years of Clinton!).”

Stephens gratuitously adds, “Yes, kids , there used to be Democrats who didn’t march tin lockstep with Emily’s List.” (Another note to Mr. Stephens: There used to be Democrats who did not march in lockstep with the Wall Street Journal and La Raza on another significant issue.)

images-26Stephens goes on to bemoan, there “used to be a theory of politics that, in two party systems, it was in both parties’ interests to pitch the ‘broadest possible tent’; to have…’no enemies, only friends and potential friends’.

“But that’s not Mr. Cruz’s theory. He believes in the utility of enemies—the media; Washington; his fellow Republican senators; other squishes—because they’re such easy foils and because he’s convinced the polarization works and persecution complexes sell. (Our note: This, Stephens charges as he decries Senator Cruz picking on the poor “Big Apple” and persecuting its defenseless citizens because of their values ).

Brace yourselves Conservatives. This is just the opening shot…more like a nuclear stink bomb…in the establishment media’s spiteful all-out effort to destroy Ted Cruz’s quest for the Republican nomination. The National Review probably already has galleys at the printer’s of its Trump-like “rid the party of the most-hated Senator in US history” issue.

Tell me again, what’s that rule, “speak no ill of a fellow Republican”?


* Note: Look up nastiness in Roget’s thesaurus and you’ll Bret Stephens picture along with “Synonyms” (Stephens’ column is below.)
*Synonyms cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, maliciousness,malignance, malignancy, malignity, meanness, malice, spite, spitefulness,spleen, venom, viciousness

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