Pope to lead latter-day conquistadors:

Pope Francis Will Stand With Migrants at U.S. Border   

MEXICO CITY—Pope Francis arrives in Mexico on Friday for a six-day visit that will end with a highly symbolic and potentially controversial act: the pontiff taking a stand on the fortified U.S. border to show solidarity with the migrants trying to cross it.

That is the headline of a big article in today’s WSJ along with a picture of jolly “migrants standing in “unity”, hand in hand under a billboard welcoming Francis in Spanish along with the inevitable picture of Fran’s kindly countenance.

Francis’ trip to Mexico will include Mass on the Texas border, a zone of campaign contention

Essentially the story tells of Francis’ appearance at the border as part of a campaign appearance against Trump, Cruz (of course it doesn’t say that, but that’s the message).

Bienvenido a cuidad Juarez!

The humor has gone from the Obama comedy show

This was precisely the section of Obama’s SOTU speech where Congressman Joe Wilson said Obama was lying. Oh well, David (Brooks), his pants held their crease nicely.

Senate report: Illegal immigrants benefited from up to $750M in ObamaCare subsidies

The report, produced by Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, examined Affordable Care Act tax credits meant to defray the cost of insurance premiums. It found that as of June 2015, “the Administration awarded approximately $750 million in tax credits on behalf of individuals who were later determined to be ineligible because they failed to verify their citizenship, status as a national, or legal presence.”

The Senate report also accused the administration of lacking a solid plan to get that money back – and predicted that in the end, the IRS will be “unable to fully recoup the funds.”   . . .

The Senate report, based on a review launched by committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., derisively describes this approach as “pay and chase.”

In other words, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pays credits and subsidies to the insurance companies on behalf of the applicants – and the feds then “chase” after any overpayments to ineligible people once they are discovered.

“This ‘pay and chase’ model has potentially cost taxpayers approximately $750 million,” the report says. The 500,000 individuals in question have been removed from coverage, according to the findings, as the government seeks to get the money back.

The Senate report says the IRS and HHS initially failed to coordinate on a plan for recouping funds, and claimed that a subsequent plan from the IRS to recoup the money is still “ineffective and insufficient.”

In a July letter to Johnson, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen assured that the agency is “committed to identifying and efficiently addressing” improper payments. He reiterated that anyone “not lawfully present” who enrolls for ObamaCare coverage “must repay” the advance premium credit payments, and would be breaking the law if they don’t.

They are already here illegally you dolt!

WWBD (What Would Bernie Do?)

Here’s an “amusing” little story.

Note that “productive job” answering phones that Gonzales landed is one where he works for the Anti-Recidivism Coalition and Human Rights Watch, the groups that pushed to get him released.

The good folks at the “Anti-Recidivism Coalition and Human Rights Watch” better be careful how they handle Jose if he ever gets “rude” to their customers.

California’s “unprecedented mass forgiveness” of convicts raises more than a few questions

So typical of ‘all things Bush.’

Like JEB says, “I won’t criticize Obama when I become president”

One must wonder if “Roscoe”, the former US Attorney “appointed by former President George W. Bush” was around, or if he was, awake when Alberto Gonzalez was forced to resign as Bush’s Attorney General for no greater offense than his firing of 7 US Attorneys for not doing their job? And where was “Roscoe” when a Special Prosecutor was named to investigate the ludicrous “Valerie Plame Affair”, which turned out to be one of the worst political fiascoes of all time.

Critics pounce on Lynch’s campaign donations

Except those with the Bush disease that is”

“Other legal experts view the call for a special prosecutor more skeptically.

“Quite frankly, if somebody in the Senate — who does the confirmation — doesn’t believe she could uphold her oath, they should have voted against her,” said Roscoe Howard, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia who was appointed by former President George W. Bush.

“Other than a flat out conflict — let’s say that one of her brothers appeared [in court] — she gets to make those decisions,” added Howard, who is now a partner at the law firm of Barnes & Thornburg.

Still no scandals in the high integrity Obama administration

Let’s see now. David Brooks is real distraught over America’s great loss when Obama leaves the White House. All that “integrity” and all those great people he has appointed, it is so sad.  (“There are all sorts of unsightly characters floating around politics, including in the Clinton camp and in Gov. Chris Christie’s administration. This sort has been blocked from team Obama.”)

Official: Top Clinton aides also handled ‘top secret’ intel on server

No scandal here  move along, move along


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One Response to SNAFU

  1. Gus says:

    One begins to wonder if His Holiness, Pope Francis, plans to stump for Bernie Sanders as part of his visit to Mexico.

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