WSJ in a funk

Panic attack at the Wall Street Journal

The “yuge” Donald Trump victory in New Hampshire apparently has the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) clutching its pearls and on the verge of all out panic.

On the Opinion page today (Thursday) is a piece by regular contributor, Karl Rove: “GOP Infighters Need to Focus on Trump” and an editorial goes after Trump on his position on “eminent domain”.

The columnist assigned to attack The Donald today, Daniel Henninger, issues a column entitled “Trump Among the Canaries”, imploring the remaining GOP establishment candidates to do something. Maybe, he suggests, “go after him on policy and substance”.

Like the rest of the Journal’s editorial board, Mr. Henninger is very fearful of “evocative rhetoric and buzzwords–primarily immigration and attacking Washington…”.

Apparently the newspaper can’t understand why anyone would “attack Washington”, what with stalwart legislators like Mitch McConnell and Paul “crap sandwich” Ryan.

And “immigration” (the writer fails to add the adjective “illegal”)? Why, nobody’s concerned about that! Henninger reports that
“immigration” (there’s that omission again) is the inevitable “whipping post” in debates even though exit polls show it to be the “lowest-rated issue”. He refers to the topic as an example of the “randomness, baiting, and irrelevance”.

Trump is hammered for his proposals on tariffs on Chinese goods imported and on promises to halt drug trafficking along the southern border.

Henninger, however, doesn’t want to leave readers with the impression that Trump is the only Republican candidate we must fear. While Trump is the primary target of his diatribe, it is Ted Cruz that Henninger described as the candidate leaning ‘heavily” on “evocative rhetoric and buzzwords”.

If we might add our humble analysis and opinion of the Journal’s worries for the future of the Republic, we believe it is the potential threat to their number one set of priorities: “open borders”, amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants in America’s “shadows”, and the resulting cheap labor.

And when it comes down to it, we believe the Journal, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the rest of the Republican establishment would accept Donald Trump as the party’s nominee, in the belief that he could eventually be persuaded to advance their agenda.

The one candidate the establishment will NOT accept , however, is Ted Cruz. Senator Cruz in their view has that annoying personality quirk that few politicians are burdened with: he says what he means…and he does what he promises!


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