After South Carolina — the issue is joined

Time is running out . . .  if it hasn’t already . . .

isThe biggest takeaway we see from the South Carolina primary is that Marco Rubio has emerged as the pick of the Republican Establishment.

And that is truly a major source of concern for the long-term fate of the Republic in our view. With Donald Trump appearing to have momentum necessary to wrap up the GOP nomination, and this election the only real hope for bringing this nation back from the brink, voters who are paying attention face an incredibly disturbing reality.

If Trump is the party’s nominee, it is a certainty that the usual 45% or so of the electorate will vote for the Democrat, whether or not they even know his, her, or its name. Trumps “no-party” appeal, available to him in open primaries, is mitigated by high negatives across the board – especially among likely voting Republicans who are paying attention to the campaign.   Trump also has remarkably low “second choice” numbers, another indicator of acceptability within the party.  So in spite of his apparent momentum establishing that he can win plurality contests — is that an indication he win the nomination outright?

One can say the same for Cruz and Rubio individually (in total they have more support than Trump).  Something has to give. We assume Kasich and Carson won’t be able to compete in the emerged consolidation.

The media will set out to destroy Trump (we do not think they have tried at all as yet) and the millionaire-billionaire big donors, many of them, even nominal Republicans will shovel cash into the coffers of Trump’s opponent and his/her super PAC’s equal to the entire economies of some nations.

But in the very outside chance their money and their vicious verbal and legal attacks fail, both parties will console themselves that the Donald is a “dealmaker” and they can return  to their seats at the table and business as usual goes on. Americans can only shudder at the deals he’ll make.

Yhe flood of money which will go to the Rubio campaign and Super Pac’s supporting him will break all records! Many Democrat donors will even jump in, with the once unthinkable notion that a Rubio candidacy will be, as Politico puts it in a Sunday story, Romney 2.0.  We would propose that a GOP nominee Marco Rubio run would not be Romney 2.0, but more like a Dole/McCain/Romney 2.0, 3.0, 4.0.

And, again, in the extraordinarily unlikely event that lightening struck the Democratic candidate and Rubio won the general, well we think that both Party establishments believe they can live with that as well. Marco has demonstrated, very dramatically that he can be “reached”. A pat on the head from, Chuck Schumer, a grateful nod from President Emeritus Obama for his support of TPP, and a celebratory festival thrown by La Raza, and Marco drops his conservative drag and Real Rubio settles in: “What do you need, Chuck…Mr. Donahue (US Chamber), et al?”

Further with Scalia gone it won’t be an issue of the Constitution breathing – rather how much it will morph.  Above all there is one candidate, still standing after South Carolina, that neither party establishment or media entity can abide…Ted Cruz . . . But he is the one that the Constitution can abide.

Because of his  record of unswerving commitment to his campaign promises, and his demonstrated courage in the face of unremitting attacks from his own party, that is why we support Ted Cruz compared to the records of Trump and Rubio.  We encourage a coalescence of conservatives  — those having fun with Trump to poke the eye of the establishment, and those Rubio supporters wringing their hands that only nice Marco can win, to come together for Cruz. One fourth of the current support of each added to Cruz’s current support could accomplish great things for the country. Editors

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