Notes from the weekend

computer online readingFor us, the biggest disappointment of the campaign so far is today’s Jeff Sessions endorsement of Trump. Sara Palin’s disregard for Cruz was disappointing but not all that consequential. Sessions’ amounts to a betrayal, and while we are not sure it will add voters to Trump, it will likely deeply hurt Cruz.

How is it that the conservatives we’ve long respected have become gullible enough to endorse a true con-man who not only lacks principles but even common courtesy and decency.

What the hell has happened to this country? Yeah, we know…Barack Hussein Obama!    DLH

This is interesting. Not terribly surprising, but I wonder what the NY Times thinks this will do for the various actors. To conservatives it is apt to make them more aggressive toward Rubio. It will likely also give Trump a big boost without helping Cruz much.

Marco Rubio Pushed for Immigration Reform With Conservative Media

Perhaps it’s aimed at rallying support for Rubio among liberal voters since obviously after South Carolina Saturday, Hillary is not going to need much help. I think it does highlight if not explain Fox News dramatic shift to the left.

A sober and incisive analysis of the state of the campaign by Clarice Feldman writing at American thinker.

Cage Match USA: The State of the Election

It relates well the “reasons” Trump is doing so well, invoking as well commentaries of others. The selected excerpts point out the contempt for the political establishment. It suggests becoming accommodated to Trump as the Republican nominee to stop Hillary.

And this nitwit is a “Wake Forest Professor”. $60,000/year tuition and room and board to have your kid taught the inane trash this woman spews. What do the “Demon Deacons” alumni think they are supporting? Maybe they know…employers beware!

Melissa Harris-Perry Unlikely To Return To MSNBC — Here Are Her Most Idiotic Musings [VIDEO]

This story fails to recall Ms. Perry’s most repugnant assertion, used as a promo for her MSNBC show:

“We’ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours, and your responsibility,” she says. “We haven’t had a very collective notion of ‘These are our children.’ So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that ‘kids belong to their parents’ or ‘kids belong to their families,’ and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

Stone reveals establishment using Mitt Romney as Plan B if Rubio fails!

Bombshell: Roger Stone reveals Koch Bros plan to Stop Trump

Old Mitt has some catchin’ up to do if he’s gonna equal Harold Stassen’s 9 unsuccessful presidential bids. But it’s a start.

Steve Forbes has some good advice for Cruz, calling for more emphasis on a Reaganesque tone to his campaign.  In fairness we have seen in person two Cruz speeches and watched many more.  He enthusiastically invokes Reagan (as does Rubio).  However,  the uplifting aspect cannot be overdone in the face of Trump.

Steve Forbes: Trump Will Bring in Union Members

The union reference in the title is  disconcerting because while Reagan appealed to blue -collar workers it was for a more appropriate array of their better instincts. Reagan did speak of cultural values, education, standing up to threats from China and Russia. Trump says little of the first two and seems to want to accommodate Chinese and Russian territorial hegemony.  Trump repeats the idea of making America “great again” but other than that sloganeering he has no expressed depth. Being an economic powerhouse requires constitutional underpinnings or it will fall apart to all manner of intrigues. Trump has no articulated appreciation for the Constitution or history.  Reagan did.   We “knew” Ronald Reagan and Trump is no Ronald Reagan in knowledge or demeanor.

DLH with R Mall

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