Can we expect a Romney-Dole Ticket?

Absurd, huh?


Well, maybe so, but what was more absurd than this Romney speech fiasco today? What geniuses among the establishment/donor class thought this would be a terrific idea:

“Hey! I’ve got a great idea. Immediately after Super Tuesday, regardless how the voting goes, let’s have Mitt Romney make a major speech just ripping Donald Trump as a terrible candidate for president, an awful business man, someone no honorable public figure, like Mitt himself, would ever support.

“We could have Mitt tell Republican voters in the upcoming primaries and caucuses to cast their ballots for Rubio in Florida or Kasich in Ohio, and thus deny Trump the delegates he will need to win the nomination on the first ballot in Cleveland.

“Huh?, Oh yeah, he could tell them to vote for Cruz, too   , in some primary.”

“But wait a minute”, another “ED” (Establishment /Donor) genius speaks up. “You don’t want ’em voting for Cruz, for cry in’ out loud”.

To which, another genius responds, “It’s OK. After we take out Trump with this strategy, taking out Cruz will be easy. Nobody likes him. I think this sounds like a plan.”

No doubt, the other participating strategists and consultants agreed…a brilliant plan, indeed!

“Get Mitt in here . We gotta help him put his speech together right away.”

“Here! Here”! the anti-Trump, anti-Cruz, anti-GOP base ‘war room’ erupted in cheers and congratulations. Hallelulia! A strategy to save the Establishment!

Maybe that’s not exactly how this went down, but, likely, something like it must have occurred.

Mitt Romney, a decent man, honorable and moral to a fault, was somehow persuaded to make an absolute fool of himself. He went before the nation to tell the voters in his political party to go out and destroy its frontrunner, a man whom only 4 years before, he asked to support his own candidacy for president. A man Romney praised effusively for an outstanding record of personal accomplishment, for his keen business acumen, for his courage in standing up for America against countries who might try to exploit it in trade agreements.

There are two questions to ask:

– why would he do it? Why would this good man stoop to using the same disgusting, dishonest tactics the Democratic Party used against him to destroy his candidacy to attempt to destroy the effort of a candidate of his own party? Why would he come out more aggressively against Donald Trump than he ever did against Barack Obama?

– who devised this abhorrent plan and for what conceivable purpose? Obviously no thought was given to the irony of sending out the GOP’s former presidential candidate who arguably ran one of the most ineffective campaigns in history, who was subjected to some of the dirtiest attacks by the opposing party, to now undermine the candidacy of his own party’s front-runner, using many of the same tactics which destroyed his own candidacy?

The net effect of Romney’s act of sacrificial victimhood? Trump’s numbers will soar! Romney is forever disgraced, a caricature no politician will ever want to emulate.

Bobby Jindal was right. The Republican Party is the “Stupid Party”!


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2 Responses to Can we expect a Romney-Dole Ticket?

  1. Designated2 says:

    Trump cannot complain about the tone in any of this — he set it long ago. The points or characterizations Romney makes stand on their own. But the vociferousness of the remarks by the person who could not muster anything approaching that to direct against the likes of Barack Obama with whom we had four years of devastating experience, is incredible. A real quandary for the ED — not much left on the bench to attack Trump — so many thrown out of the game, or signed on with Trump.

    One question — what will Ann Coulter have to say, she must be torn asunder.

  2. Gus says:

    Possibly Mitt and Bob can collaborate on a book: “Tips for a Winning Presidential Campaign”. It could be the biggest hit since Mitt’s previous best seller, “Obama Stole My Health Care Program”.

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