So who won the Detroit Fox News Republican debate?

  • Who acted like a Commander in Chief?
  • Which candidate should Republicans unite behind?

Hands down Ted Cruz (sorry to bring up the “hands” subject again, and no, I do not believe that only people with small hands support Trump)

But of course I am biased  so I refer readers to the Weekly Standard.  Not that they are not biased but given that the shop is run by William Kristol and Fred Barnes it is not known for championing Ted Cruz.  The article is by Jonathan V. Last. We suppose it could be argued that their disdain for Trump controls all, but then they might have thrown Kasich or Rubio a bone.

Lion Ted: Cruz Crushes the Detroit Debate

Trump has said some things of late that this writer has found politically inexcusable as they indicate some profound shortcomings or egregious instincts unbecoming the high office of President. One of his frequent statements is alleging lies about WMD’s in Iraq. Something so without measure or distinction, so ignorant so wrong says to me that the supposed party expander cannot in fact do so. His insults prevent it and are not merely self-limiting but self defeating. We have addressed the topic previously.

QaqpR2IAnother of Trump’s  “commander in chief” outrages was clearly exposed last night. Some one who cannot choose his words carefully,  whose instincts do not better control his mouth in a debate or on the campaign trail should not be commander in chief. The idea that our military personnel would or should follow him, to do what he tells them, based on his leadership qualities, with regards to targeting questionable combatants, ignoring collateral damage,  and going beyond “enhanced interrogation” because he said so, apart from their duty to the laws of the United States, without mentioning deference to reasonable rules of engagement, is profoundly irresponsible no matter what he might have meant.  Here is a transcript of the related passage, via the Washington Post:

BAIER: Mr. Trump, just yesterday, almost 100 foreign policy experts signed on to an open letter refusing to support you, saying your embracing expansive use of torture is inexcusable. General Michael Hayden, former CIA director, NSA director, and other experts have said that when you asked the U.S. military to carry out some of your campaign promises, specifically targeting terrorists’ families, and also the use of interrogation methods more extreme than waterboarding, the military will refuse because they’ve been trained to turn down and refuse illegal orders.

So what would you do, as commander-in-chief, if the U.S. military refused to carry out those orders?

TRUMP: They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse me. Believe me.

BAIER: But they’re illegal.

TRUMP: Let me just tell you, you look at the Middle East. They’re chopping off heads. They’re chopping off the heads of Christians and anybody else that happens to be in the way. They’re drowning people in steel cages. And he — now we’re talking about waterboarding.

This really started with Ted, a question was asked of Ted last — two debates ago about waterboarding. And Ted was, you know, having a hard time with that question, to be totally honest with you. They then came to me, what do you think of waterboarding? I said it’s fine. And if we want to go stronger, I’d go stronger, too, because, frankly…


… that’s the way I feel. Can you imagine — can you imagine these people, these animals over in the Middle East, that chop off heads, sitting around talking and seeing that we’re having a hard problem with waterboarding? We should go for waterboarding and we should go tougher than waterboarding. That’s my opinion.

BAIER: But targeting terrorists’ families?


TRUMP: And — and — and — I’m a leader. I’m a leader. I’ve always been a leader. I’ve never had any problem leading people. If I say do it, they’re going to do it. That’s what leadership is all about.

BAIER: Even targeting terrorists’ families?

TRUMP: Well, look, you know, when a family flies into the World Trade Center, a man flies into the World Trade Center, and his family gets sent back to where they were going — and I think most of you know where they went — and, by the way, it wasn’t Iraq — but they went back to a certain territory, they knew what was happening. The wife knew exactly what was happening.

They left two days early, with respect to the World Trade Center, and they went back to where they went, and they watched their husband on television flying into the World Trade Center, flying into the Pentagon, and probably trying to fly into the White House, except we had some very, very brave souls on that third plane. All right?

This latest revelation is more evidence of the American Caesar complex about the man. No longer merely provocative he is the proverbial loose cannon. Having said this I do not believe Trump intentionally lies about his policies or what he has said or his intentions, Hillary Clinton on the other hand . . .

David Limbaugh makes a good case for conservatives to unite behind Ted Cruz.  The article makes many excellent points while indicating Limbaugh’s understanding of the rise of Trump and how the Republican Party establishment has no one to blame but themselves.  Excerpt (regarding Trump supporters) :

It is tragic that true conservatives, however, are being lumped in and punished for the betrayals of centrist Republicans. Trump supporters are adamant that no elected official escape the blame.

Their solution is to burn the house down and rebuild it around Trump, even though they can’t be sure what he’d do when elected.

People wonder why they would turn to someone like Trump. The GOP, after all, has stood for moral principles, manners and adult behavior, and Trump seems to exhibit none of those things.

In many ways, he is the opposite of conservative principles, in demeanor, lifestyle and his personal conduct in the campaign.

But in their disgust at the Republican establishment, they are throwing out true conservatives and also certain conservative principles and values, as if all of conservatism has been tainted by a party that betrayed its base.

How else does it make sense that even valid, troubling criticisms of Trump seem to help him more than hurt him?

R Mall

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3 Responses to So who won the Detroit Fox News Republican debate?

  1. Gus says:

    And, the award for “Most Unctuous Personality in the Debate” goes to…who else but John Kasich. He has said that he starts his day by “reading some scripture”, then does his rigorous exercise routine (I’m certain that few Navy Seals could keep up with John), then, no doubt, performs a few acts of great kindness, and then is ready to take on the day. Oh, and by the way, did you know his daddy was a mailman?

  2. Leone says:

    Yes, but the sight of a blue envelope can make him cry.

  3. Gus says:

    What difference does it make? Hasn’t it been reported that Bob Dole has indicated that he’s willing to accept a draft at the convention?
    Oh wait! That was Mitt. Oh well, again, what difference would that make?

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