GOPe agitates with its phoniness

You wanna talk about inflammatory rhetoric? You want hear political incitement?

Read Andy McCarthy’s column in the National Review as he recounts GOP promises made and promises betrayed, as he endorses the one candidate who went to Washington and unlike the ‘boys’ of the Republican establishment, did what he said he’d do…Ted Cruz!

Get a load of this (an excerpt from McCarthy’s column). Perhaps you may recall the GOP campaign of 2014 and the strong words of Mitch McConnell:

Feel Betrayed by the GOP? Vote for the One Candidate Who Walks the Walk

‘In the House and the Senate, we own the budget.” It was August 2014, the stretch run before the midterm elections, and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell was making promises to voters about how he and his party would face down Barack Obama’s lawless presidency.  Put us in charge, he explained, and a Republican Congress would defend Americans by using the main tool the Framers gave them, the power of the purse:

That means we can pass the spending bill. And I assure you that in the spending bill, we will be pushing back against this bureaucracy by doing what’s called placing riders in the bill. No money can be spent to do this or to do that. We’re going to go after them on health care, on financial services, on the Environmental Protection Agency, across the board. All across the federal government, we’re going to go after it.

But wait, couldn’t that lead to a government shutdown? Weren’t Republicans supposed to be the grown-ups in the room who would “restore regular order” and “make Washington work”? Locked in his own reelection battle, McConnell was having none of it. President Obama “needs to be challenged,” he thundered, “and the best way to do that is through the funding process.” Republicans would place scores of spending restrictions on the president — “that’s something [the president] won’t like,” he told Politico, “but that will be done. I guarantee it.” A GOP-controlled Congress would dare Obama to veto bills in order to preserve spending on his transformational agenda. If a shutdown happened, that would be the White House’s problem.

But of course we all know what Mitch and company actually did

Read more at:


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One Response to GOPe agitates with its phoniness

  1. Gus says:

    one thing leads to another
    › an ​event or ​activity ​results in another that you have usually not ​planned:
    I ​agreed to ​help him ​paint the ​house, and one thing ​led to another until I ​ended up ​helping him ​fix his ​kitchen.
    (Definition of one thing leads to another from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

    Mitch McConnell lies in order to win an election, and one thing led to another until it ended up that a once great political party destroyed itself, the other political party completed its transformation to a totally corrupt radical left ‘mob’, the greatest nation in the history of the world succumbed to mankind’s worst instincts, and the planet descended into brutal and lasting chaos.

    Funny how that works, isn’t it?

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